Laterosuperior to the sternum, 1 cun below LU-2 Yunmen, at the level of the first intercostal space, 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline.
Approximately 1 cun below the lateral end of the clavicle in the lateral part of the first intercostal space.
Located below the acromial extremity of the clavicle, 1 cun inferior to the center of the interclavicular fossa and 6 cun lateral to the REN channel.
Note: to locate this point, ask the patient to extend his or her hand forward and resist while you apply pressure to the hand, in order to emphasize the delto-pectoral triangle. First locate LU-2 Yunmen in the center of the triangle, the locate LU-1 Zhongfu in the intercostal space approximately 1 cun inferior and slightly lateral to it. To locate the first intercostal space, first locate the costal cartilage of the second rib which is level with the sternal angle, then locate the first intercostal space above it.


Puncture obliquely 0.5 to 0.8 cun towards the lateral aspect of the chest.
Caution: to avoid injuring the Lung, never puncture deeply towards the medial aspect.
Moxibustion is applicable.
Slanted insertion, pointed upwards, 0.5 to 1 cun. Sensation: distention and soreness extending into the chest and upper arm.
Transverse-oblique insertion 0.5 to 1 cun medially along the intercostal space.
Caution: Deep perpendicular or oblique insertion carries a substantial risk of pneumothorax.


Front-Mu point
Meeting point of the Spleen channel
Entry point


Regulates Lung Qi
Stops cough and wheezing
Disseminates and descends Lung Qi
Disperses fullness from the chest
Stops pain
Transforms Phlegm
Clears Heat
Regulates the water passages
Descends Stomach Qi


Pain in the chest, shoulder and back
Fullness of the chest
Every type of Lung disorder
Mental diseases
Swelling due to exposure to Wind
Unable to lie down
Throat Bi
Sore throat
Upper Jiao wasting and thirsting
Cough due to retention of Phlegm in the Lungs
Night sweats
Coughing turbid Phlegm
Breathing with raised shoulders
Oppression of the chest with difficulty breathing
Swelling of the face
Skin pain
Running piglet Qi with lumbar pain
After catching Cold, the patient has fullness in the chest
Sore throat with difficulty swallowing
Pulmonary tuberculosis
Coughing up Blood and pus
Throat blockage
Congested nose
Excessive sweating
Tumors and nodular growths on the neck
Lung abscess
Edema due to Lung Qi Deficiency
Fever with pulmonary symptoms
Fever in pulmonary disorders with vomiting
Dry cough
Second-stage of whooping cough
Chest pain due to Stagnation of Heat and Blood
Nasal congestion
Heat in the chest
Aversion to Cold
Chills and fever
Difficult ingestion
Gall Bladder heat vomiting
Abdominal distention
Pain in the shoulder and scapula
Distention and fullness of the Lungs
Rhinorrea with clear fluid


UB-13 Feishu LU-6 Kongzui M-BW-1 Dingchuan PC-6 Neiguan REN-17 Shanzhong N-BW-6 Jiehexue N-BW-20 Feirexue UB-13 Feishu
Chronic bronchitis Bronchial asthma Pulmonary tuberculosis
UB-49 Yishe HT-9 Shaochong LU-7 Lieque LI-4 Hegu
Fullness in the chest and throat with esophageal constriction Chest pain Cough as a prominent factor in a Wind-Cold Invasion
PC-6 Neiguan ST-40 Fenglong UB-13 Feishu ST-36 Zusanli SP-3 Taibai
Resolves Phlegm retained in the chest Tonifies the Lungs Eliminates pathogenic factors in the Lungs Tonifies the Spleen and Lungs
LU-2 Yunmen UB-13 Feishu LIV-14 Qimen SP-1 Yinbai UB-47 Hunmen PC-7 Daling PC-5 Jianshi LI-4 Hegu ST-22 Guanmen HT-7 Shenmen
Chest pain Swelling of the face and abdomen Enuresis
Moxa REN-17 Shanzhong Moxa REN-8 Shenque UB-60 Kunlun ST-20 Chengman LU-10 Yuji SP-20 Zhourong REN-16 Zhongting
Abdominal fullness Shortness of breath with a rattling sound (moxa LU-1 Zhongfu) Difficult ingestion Esophageal constriction with difficult ingestion and vomiting



This point helps people renew the contact with the heaven within them. This point circulates and adjusts Lung Qi. This point is mostly used in acute Excess patterns. The primary function of this point is to clear Excess of all kinds from the Lungs.

The knowledge about Traditional Chinese Medicine is provided free but without any warranties. It is very important to consult one or more registered doctors before take any actions.