On the medial aspect of the lower leg, in the depression two cun superior to KI-3 Taixi, on the anterior border of the achilles tendon.


Perpendicular insertion 0.5 to 1 cun
Puncture perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.7 cun
Straight insertion 1 to 1.5 cun
Sensation of local distention and soreness, possibly a numb sensation extending to the bottom of the foot
Moxibustion is applicable


Jing-River point of the Kidney channel
Metal point of the Kidney channel
tonification point of the Kidney channel
Traversing point of the kidney channel
Mother point of the Kidney channel


Benefits the Kidneys
Tonifies the Kidneys (Qi, Yin and Yang)
Regulates the water passages
Treats edema
Regulates sweating
Tonifies Wei Qi
Drains Dampness
Resolves Dampness
Clears Damp-Heat
Strengthens the lumbar region
Regulates Kidney Qi
Regulates the Bladder
Regulates menstruation
Moistens Dryness
Endocrine point (testes, thyroid, ovaries, adrenals, hormones suprarenals)


The five types of edema
Swelling of the four limbs
Swelling of the lower limb
Difficult urination
Dark urine
The five types of urinary dysfunction (Lin)
Blood painful urinary dysfunction (Lin)
Dry tongue
Parched mouth
Dry tongue with Stomach Heat
Curled tongue with inability to speak
Pain in the nostrils
Tooth decay
Withered, yellow complexion
Propensity to anger with incessant talking
Propensity to laughter
Prone to anger
Cold legs
Hot and Cold bones (alternating)
Absence of sweating
Swelling of the abdomen with drum distention
Urination feels like passing sparks of fire
Urinary tract infection
Violent pain inside the Kidneys and spine; cannot bend over
Lower Jiao wasting and thirsting
Hyperthyroidism with excessive sweating
Heatstroke with excessive sweating
Gastric ulcers
Cold sweats
Prolapse of Bladder

Abnormal sweating
Spontaneous sweating
Night sweating
Incessant night sweats
Ceaseless sweating
Fever with anhidrosis
Abdominal distention with borborygmus
Dysenteric disorder
Red dysentery (Bloody stools)
Pus and Blood in the stool
Heavy feeling in the rectum after diarrhea
Bleeding hemorrhoids
Seminal emission
Uterine bleeding
Lumbar pain
Pain of the lumbar vertebrae
Lumbar pain due to Qi Stagnation
Atrophy disorder of the leg
Paralysis of the foot
Muscular atrophy of the foot
Pulseless syndrome
Tidal fevers
Common Cold without sweat
Neuralgia of the lumbar muscles preventing dorsiflexion and ventriflexion
Asthenopia (cannot see clearly)
Vision problems
Malarial disorders
Renal atrophy
Arterial hypofunction
Cold feet and bones
Weakness of limbs after shock
Problems arising from Intestinal parasites


REN-9 Shuifen REN-8 Shenque SP-4 GongsunLIV-4 Zhongfeng SP-3 Taibai REN-9 Shuifen
Edema Edema with Qi distention and fullness Drum distention
DU-14 Dazhui UB-43 (moxa) Gaohuangshu LI-4 Hegu PC-3 Quze LU-10 Yuji SI-1 Shaoze DU-23 Shangxing LIV-8 Ququan UB-60 Kunlun GB-43 Xiaxi GB-44 Zuqiaoyin
Spontaneous sweating Little sweating (reinforce LI-4 and reduce KI-7) Copious sweating (reduce LI-4 and reinforce KI-7) Stomach ulcers Absence of sweating
ST-44 Neiting LI-4 Hegu M-HN-30 Bailao KI-2 Rangu REN-2 Qugu LIV-3 Taichong REN-4 Guanyuan SP-6 Sanyinjiao ST-25 Tianshu
Injury by Cold with absence of sweating (reduce Ki-7 and ST-44, reinforce the others) Injury by Cold with sweating (reinforce KI-7 and reduce ST-44 and LI-4) Drooling Red and white leukorrhea (use seven cones of moxa on REN-2 and one hundred cones of moxa on ST-25 and SP-6)
UB-40 Weizhong UB-11 Dazhu GB-39 Xuanzhong UB-62 Shenmai ST-45 Lidui UB-23 Shenshu UB-62 Shenmai ST-45 Lidui
Pain of the lumbar spine Coldness and pain of the bone marrow Cold sensations of the legs
LIV-3 Taichong REN-9 Shuifen KI-9 Shuifen ST-36 Zusanli M-HN-13 Yiming LIV-3 Taichong UB-35 Huiyang
Breast pain Cirrhosis of the Liver Blood in the stool
HT-6 Yinxi
Kidney Yin Deficiency sweating


Contraindicated after the eighth month of pregnancy


This point is one of the foremost points to strengthen the Kidney's function of dominating Body fluids, regulating urination. and controlling sweating. This point is indicated for various types of bleeding, including hematuria, hemafecia, epistaxis, uterine bleeding and menorrhagia. Moxa this point and the Dan tian for Blood Lin. This point is better at tonifying Kidney Yang than KI-3 Taixi. This point also works on the Lungs, (fluid must return to whence it comes)

The knowledge about Traditional Chinese Medicine is provided free but without any warranties. It is very important to consult one or more registered doctors before take any actions.