0.5 cun above the suprasternal notch, in the middle of the depression.
In the center of the supraclavicular fossa.
On the midline, in the center of the suprasternal fossa, 0.5 cun superior to the suprasternal notch.
Transverse insertion, first insert perpendicularly for 0.2 to 0.4 cun, then point the needle downward along the posterior side of the manubrium sterni, anterior to the trachea, approximately 1 to 1.5 cun. Sensation: local distention and soreness and a constricted sensation around the pharynx.
Straight insertion 0.3 to 0.5 cun. Sensation: local distention and soreness.
Caution: when making the transverse insertion, use caution to avoid inserting the needle too deeply and puncturing the aorta or anonyma arteries. An excessively deep straight insertion will puncture the trachea. Avoid straying too far to the right or left, particularly in cases of emphysema, where the needle may puncture the Lung or subclavian artery.
First puncture perpendicularly 0.2 cun, and then insert the needle tip downward along the posterior aspect of the sternum, 0.5 to 1 cun.
Moxibustion is applicable.
Perpendicular insertion 0.3 cun.
With the neck extended, needle first perpendicularly 0.2 to 0.3 cun, then direct the needle inferiorly along the posterior border of the manubrium of the sternum 0.5 to 1 cun.
Window of the Sky (Window of Heaven) point
Intersection point of the Intersection point of the Yin Wei channel
Facilitates and regulates Lung Qi
Cools the throat
Cleans the voice
Stimulates the descending function of Lung Qi
Resolves Phlegm
Clears Heat
Stops cough and wheezing
Benefits the throat and voice
Soothes asthma
Bronchial asthma
Nervous vomiting
Spasms of the esophagus
Diseases of the vocal cords
Acute and chronic asthma
Lung abscess
Lung abscess with purulent bloody coughing
Common cold with a sore and swollen throat
Lung and throat mucus
Chest pain radiating to the back with labored breathing
Rattling sound in the throat
Accumulation of Phlegm in the throat
Plum-pit Qi Stagnation
Ulcerations of the throat which prevent eating
Much spittle
Cracked voice
Inability to speak
Swelling of the neck
Chills and fever
Heat sensation of the skin of the abdomen
Coughing fits
Asthma and dyspnea preventing sleep
Swollen larynx
Cervical adenitis
Heat in the face with sensation of energy which rises to the top of the body
Vomiting and diarrhea in cholera
Facial pain
Cerebral tumor
Sensation of acidity at the level of the Heart
Heavy wheezing
Coughing with Blood and pus in the sputum
Hoarse voice like the sound of a duck
Early stages of tumors or growths on the neck
Sore throat
Sudden hoarseness
Difficulty swallowing
Hysteria with loss of voice or hiccups
Dryness or swelling of the throat with inability to swallow food
Tongue stiffness
Obstruction in the chest
Fullness of the chest
Obstruction of Qi with Heart pain
Pain of the Heart and back
Rebellious Qi with cough
Sudden dyspnea
Inability to breathe
Esophageal constriction
Purple-green veins beneath the tongue
Heat sensation of the skin of the face
Red face
Swelling of the back of the neck and shoulder
Numbness of the flesh of the body
Whooping cough
Sound of cackling in the throat
Spasms of the muscles of the voice
Nodular growths on the neck
Thyroid hypertrophy
Spasms of the diaphragm
Facial Blood congestion
Face very hot
Nervous vomiting
Tendency to sleep
Intestinal parasites
Heart attack
M-BW-1 Dingchuan REN-17 Shanzhong ST-40 Fenglong | KI-27 Shufu REN-17 Shanzhong LU-1 Zhongfu | PC-6 NeiguanREN-12 Zhongwan |
Bronchial asthma | Coughing and wheezing induced by rheumatic Heart disease | Hiccups |
REN-17 Shanzhong PC-1 Tianchi ST-41 Jiexi SI-15 Jianzhongshu | REN-17 Shanzhong | UB-13 Feishu |
Rebellious Qi cough | Asthma Inability to sleep at night Agitated mind Dyspnea and cough | Cough that reaches the voice (hoarse voice) |
HT-4 Lingdao KI-10 Yingu KI-7 Fuliu ST-40 Fenglong KI-2 Rangu | HT-4 Lingdao SI-16 Tianchuang | LU-11 Shaoshang LI-4 Hegu |
Loss of voice | Sudden loss of voice with lockjaw | Swollen painful throat |
LIV-14 Qimen DU-1 Changqiang LU-4 Xiabai PC-9 Zhongchong | SI-16 Tianchuang | |
Pain of the Heart with shortness of breath | Heat sensation of the skin of the face |
This point stimulates the descending of Lung Qi and is widely used to treat cough and asthma. This point is said to treat the thyroid, hunger, eye troubles, hearing problems, nasal problems and frustration. It is said to be good for drug addiction. It is good for someone who does not want to converse.