On the midline of the abdomen, 6 cun above the umbilicus and 2 cun below the sternocostal angle.
Note: in some patients the xiphoid process may extend to the point.


Perpendicular insertion 0.5 to 1 cun.
Oblique insertion directed inferiorly 1 to 1.5 cun.
Caution: Deep insertion, especially in thin patients, may damage the left lobe of the Liver or the Heart if either is enlarged.
Caution: Oblique superior insertion towards the Heart is contraindicated.
Puncture perpendicularly 0.3 to 0.8 cun.
Moxibustion is applicable.
Straight insertion 1.5 to 2 cun. Sensation: local distention and discomfort and soreness extending upward.


Front-Mu point of the Heart


Calms the Shen
Regulates Qi
Pacifies the Stomach
Benefits the diaphragm
Regulates the Heart
Alleviates pain
Descends Lung Qi
Unbinds the chest
Transforms Phlegm
Harmonizes the Stomach
Pacifies the Stomach
Descends Rebellion


Pain in the Heart and chest
Fright palpitations
Acid regurgitation
Syncope during pregnancy
Heart pain due to Cold
Chest pain radiating to the back
Chest pain radiating to the lateral costal region
Accumulation of Phlegm in the chest
Rebellious Qi
Fullness of the chest with shortness of breath
Spitting Blood
Sudden turmoil disorder
Abdominal distention
Sudden abdominal pain
Focal distention
Esophageal constriction
Stomach reflux
Obstruction of the diaphragm
Acute jaundice
Shan disorder
Distention and fullness
Stomach pain
Chronic hepatitis
Collapsing syndrome with chills
Stifling sensation in the chest
Diaphragmatic spasms
Upper abdominal distention
Motion sickness
Lack of vitality
Nine types of pain in the Heart and back with a sensation of Cold
Incessant vomiting
Patient vomits all he eats
Spasms of the Stomach and abdomen
Coughing fits
Sensation of a bar in the Stomach
Pains in the lower abdomen due to Intestinal parasitosis
Injury by Cold (Shang Han)
Lack of energy
Excess mucoid sputum
Discomfort in the diaphragm
Stomach cancer
Intestinal tuberculosis with hard knots in the abdomen
Depression Dysphagia Hiccup Cough Parasites in the Intestines or bile duct Round worms in the bile duct Cholera Jaundice Sudden Heart pain Injury by Cold leading to agitation of the Heart Mania disorder Mania-depression Aversion to Fire Tendency to curse and scold others Ranting and raving
Anger Disorientation Loss of consciousness Epilepsy with vomiting of foam Poor memory Agitation and Heat Mutual overacting of the five phases Diminished Qi Febrile disease Clonic spasm Psychosis Gastric spasm Gastric ulcer Mental disorders Angina pectoris Lassitude Cold extremities Shortness of breath Diarrhea Hysteria Cardiac failure Fierce mental disorders Pericarditis Chest pain related to roundworms Vomiting long after ingestion of food Psychopathy Fear Anguish Bronchitis Pleurisy Infantile parasitosis Rectus spasms Pains due to Cold Hernia Syncope with the four limbs icy like a cadaver Drooling Fullness in the chest with a sensation of malaise and Heat Incessant dysentery


UB-15 Xinshu KI-19 Yindu REN-13 Shangwan
Agitation of the Heart Agitation and fullness of the Heart Distention and fullness of the Heart and abdomen
HT-7 Shenmen LIV-5 Ligou SJ-10 Tianjing UB-15 Xinshu KI-9 Zhubin
Fright palpitations with diminished Qi Heart disorientation Mental instability Mania disorder with raving, fury and cursing
LIV-14 Qimen REN-17 Shanzhong ST-12 Quepen KI-27 Shufu KI-25 Shencang KI-24 Lingxu
Qi Rebellion with cough, fullness of the chest and shortness of breath with pain radiating to the back Cough Vomiting with fullness of the chest
SJ-1 Guanchong SJ-6 Zhigou SP-4 Gongsun ST-41 Jiexi REN-17 Shanzhong UB-15 Xinshu HT-1 Jiquan
Sudden turmoil disorder Diaphragm pain from fluid accumulation that is difficult to endure Heart failure
UB-15 Xinshu PC-4 Ximen HT-5 Tongli DU-14 Dazhui DU-26 Renzhong M-BW-29 Yaoqi PC-6 Neiguan
Angina pectoris Seizures



This point is indicated for disorders of the Heart and Shen. It is particularly important when Cold Attacks the Heart. This is considered the ST-36 Zusanli of the Upper Jiao. This is a first aid point.

The knowledge about Traditional Chinese Medicine is provided free but without any warranties. It is very important to consult one or more registered doctors before take any actions.