On the posterior midline of the leg, between UB-40 Weizhong and UB-60 Kunlun, in a pointed depression below the gastrocnemius muscle belly when the leg is stretched or the heel in lifted.
With the patient lying prone, the point can be found by stretching the foot as if standing on tiptoe. This will reveal a triangular shaped hollow in the middle of the calf, midway between the transverse crease at the back of the knee and heel. The point is at the top of this triangle.
Located directly below the bellies of the gastrocnemius muscle on the line connecting UB-40 Weizhong and the tendo calcaneus, approximately 8 cun below UB-40 Weizhong.
On the lower leg , in the depression formed below the belly of the gastrocnemius muscle, when the muscle is flexed, approximately 8 cun distal to UB-40 Weizhong, i.e. midway between UB-40 Weizhong and UB-60 Kunlun.
Note: run your finger upwards from the Achilles tendon along the midline until it falls into the depression formed between the two origins of the gastrocnemius muscle bellies, this depression may be easier to palpate if you ask the patient to press the ball of their foot against the resistance of your hand.
When the foot is in full plantar flexion, (as if standing on tiptoe), this point can be found at the apex of the triangular shaped hollow formed in the middle of the calf, midway between UB-40 Weizhong and the level of the lateral malleolus (8 cun below UB-40 Weizhong.
Puncture perpendicularly 0.8 to 1.2 cun.
Moxibustion is applicable.
Straight insertion, 1.2 to 2.5 cun. Sensation: local distention and soreness, possibly extending to the back of the knee; when inserting the needle deeply for sciatica, there may be an electric, numb sensation extending to the bottom of the foot.
Perpendicular or oblique insertion directed proximally or distally 1 to 1.5 cun.
Ma Dan-yang's Heavenly Star point
Relaxes the muscle channels
Relaxes the sinews
Activates the channel
Alleviates pain
Invigorates the Blood
Clears Heat
Regulates the Qi in the Yang organs
Benefits hemorrhoids
Removes obstructions from the channel
Benefits the calf and heel
Low back pain
Spasm of the gastrocnemius
Vomiting and diarrhea
Twisted muscles of the calf
Swollen, painful and bleeding hemorrhoids
Swelling of the knee
Edema of the lower limbs
Heel pain
Lassitude of the limbs
Menstrual pain
Hernial disorders
Abdominal pain
Difficulty sitting and standing
Inability to stand for long
Sudden turmoil disorder
Heat in the head
Pain in the back and renal regions
Digestive problems
Cholera with muscle spasms
Anorexia during dysentery
Sore throat
Pain of the lower back and leg
Paralysis of the lower limb
Prolapsed anus
Prolapsed rectum
Sore throat
Leg Qi
Pain of the lumbar spine
Feeling of Heat in the Heart
Inability to stay upright
Edema of the upper limbs from cardiac origin
Accumulation of water due to am attack of Cold
Body tremors
Malarial disorders
Lower body erysipelas due to Damp-Heat
Abdominal prolapse
Muscle spasms
Local paroxysmal spasms
Foot Qi
Pain in the heel and foot
Neuralgia of the thigh
Internal and external trauma
Swelling of the lower limb
Cold attack with hypersecretion
M-UE-29 Erbai or KI-7 Fuliu LIV-3 Taichong SP-3 Taibai | M-UE-29 Erbai DU-1 Changqiang | DU-1 Changqiang |
Hemorrhoids | Chronic hemorrhoids | The nine types of hemorrhoids (with bleeding) Intestinal Wind (Blood in the stool) |
UB-40 Weizhong UB-58 Feiyang GB-38 Yangfu KI-7 Fuliu LIV-3 Taichong GB-43 Xiaxi REN-6 Qihai REN-1 Huiyin DU-1 Changqiang | KI-3 Taixi or KI-4 Dazhong UB-33 Zhongliao REN-4 Guanyuan UB-56 Chengjin LIV-3 Taichong KI-3 Taixi REN-12 Zhongwan | ST-33 Yinshi GB-30 Huantiao GB-31 Fengshi UB-40 Weizhong UB-60 Kunlun UB-62 Shenmai |
The five types of hemorrhoids | Difficult defecation | Pain in the legs and lumbar region |
UB-40 Weizhong ST-36 Zusanli | SP-5 Shangqiu UB-56 Chengjin UB-64 Jinggu | KI-7 Fuliu LIV-3 Taichong SP-3 Taibai |
Feebleness of the legs | Contraction of the legs | Blood in the stool |
UB-56 Chengjin ST-38 Tiaokou ST-36 Zusanli | ||
Heat in the sole of the foot with inability to stand for long |
This is a major point for muscle cramps. It is used as a distal point for lower backache and sciatica. It is an empirical point for hemorrhoids. this is the main point for all physical trauma.