In the center of the suprascapular fossa, directly above SI-11 Tianzong. When the arm is lifted, the point is at the site of the depression.
In the middle of the suprascapular fossa, between SI-13 Quyuan and LI-16 Jugu.


Puncture perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.7 cun.
Moxibustion is applicable.
Oblique medial insertion towards the spine, 0.5 to 1 cun.
Caution: deep perpendicular insertion, especially in thin patients carries a substantial risk of causing a pneumothorax.
Straight insertion 0.5 to 1 cun.


Meeting point of the Gall Bladder, Large Intestine and San Jiao channels


Expels Wind
Benefits the shoulder and scapula


Inability to lift the arms
Chest problems
Confusion from thinking too fast
All shoulder and scapular problems
Shoulder and arm neuralgia and numbness
Cough with stubborn Phlegm
Soreness and pain of the back of the shoulder
Pain in the scapular region
Numbness and aching of the upper extremities
Motor impairment of the shoulder and arm
Stiff neck with inability to turn the head
Inflammation of the supraspinatus tendon.


LU-2 Yunmen or SI-17 Tianrong
Pain of the shoulder with inability to raise the arm



This is a Wind control point.

The knowledge about Traditional Chinese Medicine is provided free but without any warranties. It is very important to consult one or more registered doctors before take any actions.