2 cun above the transverse crease of the dorsal surface of the wrist, between the ulna and the radius.
2 cun proximal to SJ-4 Yangchi, between the radius and ulna.
2 cun proximal to the dorsal crease of the wrist on the line connecting SJ-4 Yangchi and the tip of the olecranon, between the radius and ulna.
2 cun proximal to SJ-4 Yangchi, in the depression between the radius and the ulna, on the radial side of the extensor digitorum communis tendons, close to the border of the radius.


Straight insertion, 1 to 1.5 cun or join through the arm to PC-6 Neiguan. Sensation: local distention and soreness, sometimes extending to the fingertips.
Slanted insertion with the needle pointed up the arm 1.5 to 2 cun, for diseases of the trunk. Sensation: distention and soreness extending up the arm.
Puncture perpendicularly 0.5 to 1 cun.
Moxibustion is applicable.
Slightly oblique insertion towards the ulnar side or oblique proximal or distal towards the elbow or the wrist respectively, 0.5 to 1.5 cun.
Joined by through-needling to PC-6 Neiguan.
Caution: moving the patient's hand or arm after insertion can result in a bent needle.


Connecting point
Master point of the Yangwei channel
Coupled point of the Dai channel


Expels Wind
Releases the Exterior
Clears Heat
Facilitate circulation of Qi
Removes obstruction from the channel
Benefits the head and ears
Subdues Liver Yang
Opens the Yang Wei channel
Activates the channel
Alleviates pain
Invigorates the Luo Mai
Relaxes the tendons


Violent fear
Fingers painful and unable to grasp objects
Pain in the chest and ribs
Making connections with the outside world
Warming up
Hand tremors
Swollen throat
Wind predominant Bi
Trigeminal neuralgia due to Wind-Heat
Upper body atrophy syndrome
Infantile paralysis
Alternating fever and chills
Unilateral or occipital headache
Hypochondriac pain
Shoulder pain and stiffness
Severe abdominal pain with cramps
Urinary incontinence
Impaired hearing
Ear pain
Redness, pain and swelling of the root of the ear
Redness, pain and swelling of the eyes
Cold and pain of the eyes
Superficial visual obstruction
Lachrymation on exposure to Wind
Cold lachrymation
Abdominal pain
Oppression and tightness of the chest
Pain of the lateral costal region
Knotting of Heat in the five Zang and six Fu
Swelling and redness of the arm
Coldness, numbness and pain of the hands and feet
Pain of the hundred joints
Writer's cramp

Difficulty closing the hand
Pain in the fingers
Cramp in the elbow
Difficulty bending the arm
Common cold
High fever
Parotitis (mumps)
Migraine headache
Stiff neck
Pain in the joints of the upper limb
Numbness, contracture or pain of the forearm, wrist or fingers
Hand tremors
Pain in the cheek
Motor impairment of the elbow and arm
Ear infection due to Wind-Heat
Injury by Cold
Sweating with Heat on the Exterior
Thunder head Wind
Kidney Deficiency headache
Pain of the vertex
Frontal headache
Pain of the nape
Phlegm-Inversion dizziness
Wind dizziness
Swelling of the cheek
Stiffness of the tongue with difficulty speaking
Ulceration of the mouth
Cracked lips
Scrofula (adenitis)
Flaccidity of the elbow
Soreness and heaviness of the elbow and wrist
Redness, swelling and pain of the ankle
Pain of the toes
Finger neuralgia or sprains
Forearm neuralgia
Placenta does not descend


PC-6 joined through the arm Neiguan SI-6 Yanglao DU-20 Baihui LI-4 Hegu LU-7 Lieque GB-2 Tinghui or SJ-7 Huizong
Lumbar pain Common cold Impaired hearing and deafness
SI-3 Houxi SJ-3 Zhongzhu LI-1 Shangyang SJ-22 Erheliao GB-2 Tinghui SI-19 Tinggong LI-4 Hegu SI-16 Tianchuang
Head and eye pain Deafness Deafness and tinnitus
PC-7 Daling SJ-6 Zhigou PC-7 Daling SJ-6 Zhigou LIV-13 Zhangmen
Abdominal pain Abdominal pain and constipation Pain of the lateral costal region
SJ-3 Zhongzhu LI-11 Quchi LI-10 Shousanli SJ-10 Tianjing LI-11 Quchi SJ-6 Zhigou GB-22 Yuanye GB-41 Zulinqi
Inability to bend the elbow and fingers Atrophy disorder Numbness of the arm Saber lumps of the axilla



This is the most important distal point of the San Jiao channel. This point normalizes Excess gonadoptropin. This point controls a tremendous lack of warmth, both physical and emotional warmth. This is a key point for shoulder problems. This is a major point to release Wind-Heat and must nearly always be used when there are symptoms of fever, sore throat, slight sweating, aversion to Cold and a Superficial and rapid pulse. It is a main point to regulate the Shao Yang. Some sources say that this point can expel all six pathogenic factors, Wind, Heat, Cold, Dampness, Dryness and Fire. It is a general point for Wind predominant Bi.

The knowledge about Traditional Chinese Medicine is provided free but without any warranties. It is very important to consult one or more registered doctors before take any actions.