In the depression, distal to the junction of the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones, on the lateral side of the extensor digiti minimi tendon.
In the depression, distal to the junction of the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones, on the lateral side of the tendon of the m. extensor digitorum longus (branch to the little toe.
Note: Ask the patient to abduct the little toe in order to make the branch of the m. extensor digitorum longus more prominent. Run a finger from GB-43 Xiaxi towards the ankle, along the interspace between the fourth and fifth metatarsals until it passes over this branch into the significant depression immediately beyond the depression.
In the hollow just in front of the union of the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones.
Posterior to the fourth metatarsophalangeal joint, in the depression lateral to the tendon of the m. extensor digiti minimi of the foot.


Perpendicular insertion 0.5 to 1 cun. Incorrect angle of insertion will not allow the needle to pass between the shafts of the fourth and filth metatarsal bones.
Straight insertion 0.3 to 0.5 cun causing local distention and soreness possibly extending to the tip of the fourth toe.
Puncture perpendicularly 0.3 to 0.5 cun.
Moxibustion is applicable.


Shu-Stream point
Wood point
Confluent (Master) point of the Dai channel
Couple point of the Yang Wei channel
Horary point
Exit point
Meeting point of the Urinary Bladder channel


Spreads and drains the Liver and Gall Bladder
Promotes unrestrained, free-flowing Liver Qi
Dispels Dampness
Resolves Damp-Heat
Benefits the chest, lateral costal region and breasts
Clears the head
Benefits the eyes
Transforms Phlegm
Dissipates nodules
Clears and regulates the Dai channel


Eye diseases
Pain in the outer corner of the eye
Eye dizziness
Blurred vision
Swelling and pain of the dorsum of the foot
Swelling of the dorsum of the foot
Dampness and swelling of the foot
Contracture and pain of the dorsum of the foot
Menstrual disorders
Irregular menstruation
Malaria with crisis renewed daily
Frequent lesion of the internal aspect of the cheeks
Heart pain with chills
Four limbs icy
Pain in the calf
Pain in the hip
One-sided headache
Head Wind
Pain of the occiput
Pain of the vertex
Pain of the outer canthus
Redness, swelling and pain of the eyes
Dry eyes
Propensity to gnaw the tongue and cheek
Swelling of the submandibular region and cheek
Swelling of SJ-16 Tiantou
Occipital headache
Pain and weakness of the lower back and loins
Spastic pain of the foot and toe
Intermittent fevers
Pain in the sides and ribs
Rib pain
Pain in the hypochondriac region
Fullness in the sides in women
Breast abscess
Distending pain of the breast
Cervical lymphadenitis
Adenopathy of the shoulder girdle and axilla
Pain in the mastoid region radiating to the whole head
Sensation of Qi rising in the body
Dyspnea on walking
Fullness of the chest
Recurring erratic rheumatic attacks
Abundant sweating
Fullness of the chest with inability to catch the breath
Rebellious Qi with dyspnea
Chest Bi
Pain of the supraclavicular fossa
Swelling of the axilla
Breast abscess
Inhibited menstruation
Fixed Bi
Wandering pain
All disorders of the feet
Chronic vaginal discharge
Damp-Bi of the knee
Damp Bi of the hip
Inflammation of the mastoid process
Breast swelling during menstruation
Oppression of the chest
Alternating fever and chills
Lassitude of the legs


UB-1 Jingming GB-1 Tongziliao LI-4 Hegu UB-1 Jingming GB-20 Fengchi SI-4 Wangu DU-20 BaihuiSJ-2 Yemen SI-3 Houxi SI-2 Qiangu UB-18 Ganshu
Internal eye obstruction Cold lachrymation Lachrymation
UB-63 Jinmen LI-4 Hegu GB-37 Guangming GB-38 Yangfu GB-42 Diwuhui UB-39 Weiyang UB-62 Shenmai PC-1 Tianchi or GB-40 Qiuxu GB-38 Yangfu
Deafness Grinding of the teeth Swelling of the axilla
GB-22 Yuanye SJ-6 Zhigou SJ-5 Waiguan HT-3 Shaohai PC-1 Tianchi LIV-13 Zhangmen SJ-6 Zhigou GB-38 Yangfu GB-21 Jianjing LI-10 Shousanli LI-1 Shangyang KI-3 Taixi
Saber lumps of the axilla Scrofula Swelling of the supraclavicular fossa (ST-12 Quepen)
UB-14 Jueyinshu HT-7 Shenmen SJ-10 Tianjing GB-35 Yangjiao
Heart pain Chest Bi Heart pain Fullness of the chest
GB-34 Yanglingquan LI-9 Shanglian SI-1 Shaoze ST-39 Xiajuxu ST-36 Zusanli GB-43 Xiaxi LU-10 Yuji UB-40 Weizhong SI-1 Shaoze
Fullness of the abdomen and lateral costal region Swelling of the breasts in women Breast abscess
SP-6 Sanyinjiao REN-3 Zhongji SP-6 Sanyinjiao GB-37 Guangming
Inhibited menstruation Pain at the hip with difficulty walking Pain of the skin of the lateral aspect of the leg Stops lactation
GB-20 Fengchi ST-40 Fenglong
Headache and vertigo



This is an indispensable point to spread Liver Qi, especially when it is stagnated along the Gall Bladder channel. It is an important point to adjust the fluid in the eyes. This point is important to resolve Damp-Heat in the genitals. This is a first aid point.

The knowledge about Traditional Chinese Medicine is provided free but without any warranties. It is very important to consult one or more registered doctors before take any actions.