Below the occiput, approximately midway between DU-16 Fengfu and GB-12 Wangu, in the hollow between the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles.
Locate close to the base of the skull.
This point is normally located at the most tender point of the hollow.

In the depression between the upper portion of the m. sternocleidomastoid and m. trapezius, on the same level as DU-16 Fengfu
Between the hollow below the tuberosity of the occipital bone at the back of the head and the mastoid process, and between the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscle.


Slightly oblique inferior insertion in the direction of the channel, 1 to 1.5 cun
Directed toward the tip of the nose, the contralateral eyeball or M-HN-3 Yintang, 0.5 to 1 cun.
Caution: Deeper needling may damage the spinal cord
Joined by through needling to the contralateral GB-20 Fengchi, 2 to 3 cun
Puncture 0.5 to 0.8 cun towards the tip of the nose
Moxibustion is applicable
Straight insertion, level with the ear lobe, pointed slightly downward, 1 to 1.5 cun.
Sensation: local distention and soreness, possibly extending to the top of the head, the temple, forehead or eyes.
Slanted insertion, joined to opposite GB-20 Fengchi. 2 to 3 cun
Sensation: local distention and soreness, sometimes extending throughout the back of the neck.
Caution: Do not insert the needle too deeply, to avoid puncturing the medulla oblongata.


Major point for Wind
Point of the Yang Wei channel
Point of intersection of the Yang Wei and San Jiao vessels on the Gallbladder channel
Meeting point of the Gallbladder and San Jiao channels with the Yang Qiao and Yang Wei vessels


Eliminates Wind
Releases Exterior conditions
Dispels Cold
Dispels Wind, Wind-Cold and Wind-Heat
Soothes the Liver
Subdues Liver Yang
Relaxes the sinews
Facilitates Qi flow
Activates the channel
Alleviates pain
Extinguishes Liver Wind
Clears Liver Fire and Heat
Opens and brightens the eyes
Benefits the head and eyes
Clears the sensory orifices
Clears the brain
Benefits hearing
Regulates Yang Wei channel conditions


Head Wind
Pain and stiffness of the neck and shoulders with inability to turn head
Blurred vision
Red and painful eyes
Infantile convulsions
Febrile disease
Common cold
Nasal obstruction
All eye disorders
Optic nerve atrophy
Eye soreness and redness
Blurred vision
Excessive tearing
Color blindness
Night blindness
Sudden blindness
Redness of the inner canthus
Pain of the inner canthus
Loss of consciousness
Poor memory
Lateral and midline headaches
Deviation of the mouth and eye
Loss of speech following Windstroke
Injury by Cold with absence of sweat
Crooked lumbar spine leading to flaccidity and lack of strength in the sinews and neck
Sore throat
Vision problems
Loss of consciousness
Whole head neuralgia
Frontal headache
Inflammation of the eyeball
Weak vision
Terrible pain in the neck which radiates to the back with torticollis
Spasms in the renal region making the patient double over
Apoplexy due to Wind
Apoplexy; the patient is aphasic and drools
Hypertrophy of the thyroid
Qi rising to the upper body
Weakness in the elbow and legs
Malarial disorders
Muscular tetany
Hyperthyroidism with flushed face
Hypertension due to Yang Excess
Bi syndrome with generalized body aches
Upper body erysipelas due to Wind-Heat
Visual dizziness
Occipital headache
Tidal fever
Heaviness of the head
Neurasthenia due to Liver Yang Rising
Trigeminal neuralgia
Back pain
Closed-type Windstroke
Throat Bi
Blocked ears
Fever and chills
Likes to stretch
Weakness of the lumbar tendons
Swelling of the neck
Tumors on the neck
Brain diseases
Warm febrile disease with absence of sweat
Dimness of vision
Lacrimation on exposure to Wind
Brutal deafness
Direct attack by Wind
Migraine of the cervical region
Headache associated with Wind-Heat influenza
Dazzling of vision
Contracture and pain in the renal region and back
Stooped back
Common cold with fever but no sweat
Cerebral hemorrhage
Qi rising to the ears which seem blocked and to the throat preventing speech


LU-7 Lieque LI-4 Hegu SJ-5 Waiguan DU-14 DazhuiLI-4 Hegu
Wind-Cold Wind-Heat Common cold
M-BW-29 Yaoqi DU-26 Renzhong PC-6 Neiguan LI-11 Quchi ST-36 Zusanli LIV-3 Taichong UB-13 Feishu
Seizures Hypertension Spinal kyphosis
UB-5 Wuchu DU-16 Fengfu GB-16 Muchuang GB-9 Tianchong
Vision problems For Tai Yang Zhong Feng patterns where Cinnamon Twig Decoction Gui Zhi Tang was prescribed but caused agitation, needle these points , the re-administer Gui Zhi Tang The hundred diseases due to injury by Cold Headache
LI-4 Hegu SJ-23 Sizukong DU-20 Baihui DU-21 Qianding DU-24 Shenting DU-23 Shangxing SJ-23 Sizukong LI-4 Hegu UB-2 Zanzhu ST-8 Touwei LI-4 Hegu ST-40 Fenglong ST-41 Jiexi
One-sided or generalized headache One-sided or generalized head Wind Head Wind dizziness
DU-23 Shangxing UB-10 Tianzhu ST-8 Touwei UB-1 Jingming GB-15 Toulinqi GB-41 Zulinqi UB-1 Jingming SI-4 Wangu
Dizziness Lacrimation on exposure to Wind Cold lacrimation
DU-17 Naohu UB-9 Yuzhen DU-16 Fengfu DU-23 Shangxing GB-18 Chengling UB-12 Fengmen UB-45 Yixi SI-3 Houxi GB-43 Xiaxi GB-2 Tinghui SJ-21 Ermen SI-19 Tinggong
Pain of the eyes with inability to see Nosebleed with stifled breathing Impaired hearing and deafness
UB-45 Yixi SJ-16 Tianyou DU-23 Shangxing DU-22 Xinhui DU-21 Qianding DU-17 Naohu GB-39 Fengchi
Swelling of the face (needle GB-20 last) Redness and swelling of the face Curvature of the lumbar spine (Reinforce GB-20, reduce GB-39)



On a mental/emotional level, this point helps people see more clearly and form judgments. This is a major point with many varied functions. Used with reinforcing method it tonifies the Marrow. This is one of the pre-eminent points to treat all diseases of the head, brain, and sensory organs, especially the eyes. This is the single most important point for headaches and dizziness no, matter the etiology or channels involved. This is one of the major points for Wind.

The knowledge about Traditional Chinese Medicine is provided free but without any warranties. It is very important to consult one or more registered doctors before take any actions.