Located 2 cun above ST-37 Shangjushu,or 8 cun below the knee.
Located 2 cun above ST-37 Shangjushu,or 8 cun below ST-35 Dubi.
8 cun below ST-35 Dubi and one finger breadth from the anterior border of the tibia.
On the lower leg, midway between the tibiofemoral joint line (level with the popliteal crease) and the prominence of the lateral malleolus, one finger breadth lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia.


Straight insertion, 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
Puncture perpendicularly 0.5 to 1 cun.
Moxibustion is applicable.
Perpendicular insertion, 1 to 1.5 cun.



Removes obstruction from the channel
Expels Wind-Damp
Alleviates pain
Benefits the shoulder


Arthritis of the knee
Paralysis of the lower limb
Stomach ache
Perifocal inflammation of the shoulder
Muscular atrophy, motor impairment, pain and paralysis of the leg
Insensitivity of the foot
Foot flaccid, not under control
Swelling of the dorsum of the foot
Hot sensations in the soles of the feet
Cannot stand very long
Abdominal cramps
Bi and Wei syndromes of the lower limb
Swelling of the thigh and knee
Loss of sensation in the limbs
General weakness of the legs
Infection of the Stomach and Intestines
Frozen shoulder
Damp Bi
Numbness, Coldness and aching of the knee and shin
Pain in the knee
Cold sensation in the calf
Spasm of the gastrocnemius muscle
Spasm of the legs
Weakness and motor impairment
Pain and motor impairment of the shoulder
Abdominal pain
Dropped foot
Muscle cramps of the lower extremity


ST-36 Zusanli UB-57 Chengshan UB-56 Chengjin GB-39 (needle first) Xuanzhong ST-42 Chongyang Local points
Heat in the sole of the foot with inability to stand for a long time Flaccidity of the legs with difficulty walking Shoulder pain



This point is primarily used as an empirical distal point for pain and stiffness of the shoulder joint. It is usually needled on the affected side first while the patient gently rotates the shoulder and the needle is manipulated, then local points are needled.

The knowledge about Traditional Chinese Medicine is provided free but without any warranties. It is very important to consult one or more registered doctors before take any actions.