Anterior and inferior to the external malleolus, in the depression on the lateral side of the tendon of the m. extensor digitorum longus.
In the hollow just below and slightly anterior to the lateral malleolus of the ankle.
Note: locate at the junction of the lines drawn along the anterior and inferior borders of the lateral malleolus.
Puncture perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun.
Moxibustion is applicable.
Straight insertion toward the inferior margin of the medial malleolus, 1 to 1.5 cun. Sensation: local distention and soreness.
Perpendicular insertion, 1 to 1.5 cun, directed toward KI-6 Zhaohai.
Yuan-Source point
Spreads Liver Qi
Benefits the Gall Bladder
Clears the channels
Clears Gall Bladder Heat and Damp-Heat
Alleviates pain
Benefits the joints
Regulates the Shao Yang
Hypochondriac pain and distention
Frequent sighing
Neck pain
Swelling of the axillary region
Acid regurgitation
Muscular atrophy of the lower limbs
Pain and swelling of the external malleolus
Tidal fever
Intercostal neuralgia
Lower back pain
Thigh pain
Bi pain of the lower extremities
Rib pain
Soreness of the leg due to twisted muscles
Lower abdominal distention
Pain and distention in the chest and lateral costal region with inability to catch the breath
Sudden Shan disorder
Hardness of the lower abdomen
Herpes zoster
Chronic malaria with cold shivering
Pain of the lumbar spine
Cramping and pain of the legs
Wrist pain
Pain in the chest
Atrophy of the legs
Pain in the subaxilla
Pain in the hip
Lassitude of the limbs
Diseases of Shang Han
Pain in the lower abdomen
Axillary lymphadenoma
Pain, swelling and weakness of the lateral ankle joint
Diseases of the ankle and surrounding soft tissue
Pain and distention in the chest and sides
Shan Qi
Liver Qi Attacks the Stomach
One-sided headache
Redness, swelling and pain of the eyes
Superficial visual obstruction
Poor eyesight
Throat Bi
Chills and fever with swelling of the neck
Pain of the lower leg
Drop foot
Flaccidity of the ankle
SJ-8 Sanyangluo | GB-32 Zhongdu | GB-29 JuliaoGB-30 Huantiao GB-34 Yanglingquan |
Intercostal neuralgia | Rib pain | Disorders of the lower limb |
GB-1 Tongziliao | GB-43 Xiaxi ST-39 Xiajuxu UB-23 Shenshu | ST-40 Fenglong |
Superficial visual obstruction | Fullness in the chest and lateral costal region radiating to the abdomen | Stabbing pain in the chest |
LU-8 Jingqu | UB-62 Shenmai | GB-38 Yangfu GB-41 Zulinqi |
Tension of the chest and back with a swollen sensation of the chest | Swelling of the axilla Chills and fever Swelling of the neck | Swelling of the axilla |
ST-39 Xiajuxu | UB-63 Jinmen | GB-30 Huantiao GB-34 Yanglingquan |
Manic raving | Cramping of the sinews | Hip pain |
GB-34 Yanglingquan ST-42 Chongyang LIV-3 Taichong | GB-39 Xuanzhong UB-60 Kunlun | SJ-3 Zhongzhu LI-1 Shangyang |
Flaccidity of the legs | Pain of the ankle and heel | Malaria |
This point can be used to strengthen character in order to tackle difficult tasks. This point is particularly good for the mental aspect of the Gall bladder such as decision making and lack of clarity. This point is indicated when there is Heat and Stagnant Qi in various portions of the Gall Bladder channel.