Located 6 cun above the lateral superior border of the patella on the line connecting the anterior superior iliac spine and the lateral border of the patella.
On the thigh, 6 cun above the lateral margin of the kneecap.
On the thigh on a line drawn between the lateral border of the patella and anterior superior iliac spine, in a depression, 6 cun proximal to the superior border of the patella.
Note: divide the distance between the prominence greater trochanter and the upper border of the patella into thirds. This point is located just superior the the junction of the lower and middle thirds.
Puncture perpendicularly 1 to 1.5 cun.
Moxibustion is applicable. Straight insertion, 1.5 to 2.5 cun, causing distention and soreness, possibly extending to the knee.
Perpendicular or oblique insertion 1 to 2 cun.
Activates the channel
Removes obstructions from the channel
Alleviates pain
Dispels Wind-Damp
Expels Wind-Heat
Bi syndrome of the knee
Sensation of heaviness of the head
Leg Qi
Paralysis of the exterior muscles of the knee
Abdominal distention
Pain and Cold of the lower back, thigh and knee
Weakness of the knee
Contraction of the arm
Abdominal distention with diminished Qi
A heavy head
Pain in the lumbar and iliac region
Coldness and pain of the knee
Paralysis of the lower extremities
Motor impairment of the lower extremities
Arthritis of the knee
Pain in the waist and groin
Numbness of the lower limb
Bi and Wei syndromes of the lower limb
Pain, numbness and contraction of the muscles of the thigh
Shan disorder
Diseases of the eight regions in women*
Ghost talk
N-LE-23 Maibu GB-31 Fengshi M-LE-24 Linghou | GB-31 Fengshi | |
Paralysis or numbness of the lower limb | Moxa both points for Wind leg Qi. Moxa GB-31 Fengshi first. |
* The eight regions in women are: 1. the External genitalia; 2. the breasts; 3. disorders of pregnancy; 4. postpartum disorders; 5. uterine bleeding; 6.leukorrhea; 7. menstruation and; 8. abdominal masses. This point mildly expels Wind-Heat affecting the Blood and can be used to treat certain skin rashes such as urticaria.