On the lateral side of the upper arm, on the line joining LI-11 Quchi and LI-15 Jianyu, 7 cun above LI-11 Quchi at the insertion of the m. deltoideus.
Located on the lower border of the deltoid muscle and the radial side of the humerus, approximately 3 cun below LI-15 Jianyu.
With the arm hanging freely at the side and the elbow bent, this point may be found slightly anterior to the insertion of the deltoid muscle.
On the lateral side of the upper arm, in the visible and tender depression formed between the distal insertion of the deltoid muscle and the brachial is muscle, approximately three-fifths of the distance along the line drawn between LI-11 Quchi and LI-15 Jianyu.Note: this point is easier to find if the muscles of the upper arm are tensed.
Puncture perpendicularly or obliquely upward 0.8 to 1,5 cun.
Moxibustion is applicable.
Straight insertion, 0.5 to 1 cun. Sensation: local distention and soreness.
Penetrate the arm in front of or behind the humerus, 1 to 1,5 cun. Sensation: local distention and soreness.
For eye diseases, slanted insertion upward into the deltoid muscle, 1 to 2 cun. Sensation: local distention and soreness.
Oblique insertion 1 to 1.5 cun.
Meeting point with the Small Intestine, Urinary Bladder and Yang Wei channels
Removes obstruction from the channel
Alleviates pain
Brightens the eyes
Resolves Phlegm
Disperses masses
Myopia in children
Throat Bi
Paralysis of the upper limb
Stiff neck
Chills and fever
Pain in the shoulder and upper back, inhibiting lifting the shoulder
Chest pain
Redness, swelling, Heat and pain of the eyes
Rheumatic pains in the upper arm and shoulder
Spasms of the neck muscles
Rheumatoid arthritis
Spasms of the head
Bi syndrome of the arm and shoulder
Pain in the shoulder and arm
Neck rigidity
Various eye disorders
Pain, numbness and painful obstruction of the upper arm and shoulder
Wasting and weakness of the upper arm
Inability to raise the arm
Contraction and stiffness of the neck
Pain in the elbow and arm
Arthritis of the shoulder
Cervical adenitis
Sore throat
LI-15 join Qianyu | N-UE-14 join Naoshang LI-11 Quchi or LI-11 Quchi | UB-1 Jingming ST-1 Chengqi |
Myopia in children Anesthesia for the thorax Wasting and weakness of the arm with inability to raise the arm to the head | Pain in the shoulder or upper arm | Eye diseases |
LI-12 Zhouliao | LI-13 Shouwuli | |
Pain and inability to raise the arm | Scrofula |
This is considered a secret point to access the Yang Wei channel. This point is said to enhance psychic abilities. This is a frequently used local point.