With the eyes looking straight forward, the point is directly below the pupil, between the eyeball and the infraorbital ridge.
Located directly inferior to the pupil on the inferior ridge of the orbital cavity.


Push the eyeball upward with the left thumb and puncture perpendicularly and slowly 0.5 to 1 cun along the infraorbital ridge. It is not advisable to manipulate the needle with large amplitude.
Straight insertion. Ask the patient to look straight upward, then hold the eyeball secure from below with a finger, and slowly insert the the needle along the lower wall of the orbit to a depth of 1 to 1.5 cun. Sensation: local soreness and distention, occasionally some lachrymation.
Caution: It is very common for this point to bleed a bit after needling. This can be stopped by applying pressure for a few moments after the needle is withdrawn. When there is bleeding, there may appear a ******purpling****** of the skin around the eye. A cold compress can be used first to stop the bleeding, followed by a hot compress. After a week, the purple should disappear. It will not affect the vision. Care should be taken not to insert the needle too deeply to avoid entering the cranial cavity.
For myopia, the needle should be inserted transversely toward the inner canthus.
Ask the patient to look directly forwards. Use a finger to push the eyeball upwards and insert the needle, first slightly inferiorly, then perpendicularly between the eyeball and the inferior wall of the orbit, 0.5 to 1 cun.
Caution: the needle should be inserted slowly without lifting, thrusting or rotating it.


Intersecting point of the REN and Yang Qiao channels


Expels Wind
Brightens the eyes
Stops lachrymation
Clears Heat


Acute and chronic conjunctivitis
Color blindness
Night blindness
Optic nerve atrophy
Swelling of the eyes
Paralysis of the eyelid
Tic of the eyelid
Visual dizziness
Itching of the eyes
Inability to speak
Deviation of the mouth and eyes
Redness of the eyes
Pain of the eye
All eye disorders
Excessive tearing due to Wind
Convergent squint (esotropia)
Inflammation of the optic nerve
Retinitis pigmentosa
Opacity of the cornea
Cold lachrymation
Hot lachrymation
Superficial visual obstruction
Dimness of vision
Upward staring eyes


UB-1 Jingming GB-20 Fengchi LI-4 Hegu ST-36 Zusanli UB-18 Ganshu UB-23 Shenshu UB-1 joined by transverse insertion Jingming N-HN-3 Jianming N-BW-12 Jianming #5 GB-20 Fengchi UB-20 Pishu UB-18 Ganshu UB-23 Shenshu
Optic nerve atrophy Myopia Retinitis pigmentosa
ST-2 Sibai ST-3 Juliao LI-19 Kouheliao GB-3 Shangguan ST-5 Daying SI-18 Quanliao DU-18 Qianglian GB-20 Fengchi LI-20 Yingxiang DU-26 Renzhong UB-1 Jingming GB-20 Fengchi GB-37 Guangming LIV-3 Taichong LI-4 Hegu UB-2 Zanzhu GB-20 Fengchi M-HN-9 Taiyang LI-4 Hegu LIV-2 Xingjian
Deviation of the eye and mouth with inability to speak Short-sightedness Redness, swelling and pain of the eye


Moxibustion is contraindicated.


This point is mostly used for eye problems. It is one of the two principle local points of the primary channels for treatment of eye diseases, the other being UB-1 Jingming.

The knowledge about Traditional Chinese Medicine is provided free but without any warranties. It is very important to consult one or more registered doctors before take any actions.