
The Prescription of Ziwei Tang


The book Za Bing Yuan Liu Xi Zhu


Zi WeiTian DongBai HeDu ZhongHuang QinHuang LianFang FengNiu XiBi XieTu Si ZiJi Li


Huang Lian and Huang Qin: Clearing heat and removing toxicity.

Niu Xi and Du Zhong: Tonifying the liver and kidney, strengthening tendons and bones.

Tian Dong and Bai He: Moistening the lung, nourishing Yin, clearing heat, resolving phlegm and relieving cough.

Ji Li: Pacifying liver and soothing liver, dispelling wind and improving vision.

Tu Si Zi: Tonifying the kidney and spleen, nourishing essence, nourishing the liver to improve vision, securing essence, reducing urination and relieve leukorrhagia.

Fang Feng: Dispelling wind and releasing exterior syndrome, expelling wind-damp, alleviating pain.

Zi Wei: Activating blood and dissipating blood stasis, cooling blood and dispelling wind.

Bi Xie: Inducing diuresis and removing dampness.

The Effect of Ziwei Tang


Clear heat and tonify blood, tonify the liver and kidney, strengthen tendons and bones, expel wind-damp.


Flaccidity due to malnutrition of tendons.


Decoct in water for oral dose to be taken twice.

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