
The Prescription of Zexie San


The book Tai Ping Sheng Hui Fang


Ze Xie 30 g,Sang Bai Pi 30 g,Mu Tong 30 g,Zhi Qiao 30 g,Chi Fu Ling 30 g,Bing Lang 30 g.


Ze Xie: Promoting diuresis and eliminating dampness.

Zhi Qiao: Promoting the flow of Qi, removing stagnancy, strengthening the stomach to activate the digestive function.

Mu Tong: Clearing heart-fire, promoting diuresis, stimulating the menstrual flow.

Bing Lang: Promoting digestion, moving qi, inducing diuresis.

Fu Ling: Inducing diuresis and draining dampness, invigorating the spleen and inducing tranquilization.

Sang Bai Pi: Purging lung to relieving dyspnea, inducing diuresis to alleviate edema.

The Effect of Zexie San


Induce diuresis, promote the flow of qi and eliminate dampness.


Qi stagnation during pregnancy, constipation, difficult urination, asthma, abdominal edema.


All the drugs are pounded into powder. 12 g of the powder is decocted in water with Sheng Jiang 10 g for oral dose to be taken.

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