
The Prescription of Zengbu Shengfeng Tang


The book Ming Yi Zhi Zhang


Jiang Ban Xia 3 g,Fang Feng 3 g,Quan Xie 6 g,Dan Xing 1.5 g,Zhi Gan Cao 1.5 g,Bai Fu Zi 1.5 g,Chuan Wu 1.5 g,Mu Xiang 1.5 g.


Fang Feng: Dispelling wind and releasing exterior, expelling wind-damp, alleviating pain.

Chuan Wu: Dispelling wind-damp, warming meridians and alleviating pain.

Dan Nan Xing: Clearing and resolving heat-phlegm, relieving convulsion.

Bai Fu Zi: Dispelling wind-phlegm, drying damp-phlegm, relieving spasms.

Jiang Ban Xia: Drying dampness and resolving phlegm, checking adverse rise of qi to stop vomiting.

Mu Xiang: Promoting the circulation of Qi to remove stagnancy.

Quan Xie: Extinguishing wind to relieve spasm, counteracting toxic pathogen and dissipating nodulation, unblocking collateral and alleviating pain.

Zhi Gan Cao: Harmonizing the spleen and stomach, tempering the actions of all the other ingredients.

The Effect of Zengbu Shengfeng Tang


Dispel wind-damp, relieve convulsion, resolve phlegm, alleviate pain.


Apoplexy, facial paralysis, excessive phlegm.


Decoct in water for oral dose to be taken twice.

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