
The Prescription of Zang Tou Wan


The book Yi Xue Ru Men


Huai Zi 30 g,Zhu Ya Zao 2.1 g,Huang Lian 120 g,Nuo Mi 750 g.


Zhu Ya Zao: Dispelling phlegm, opening orifice and blockage, dispelling wind.

Huang Lian: Clearing heat and removing toxicity.

Huai Zi: Cooling blood to stop bleeding, moistening intestine to relieve constipation, clearing liver fire.

Nuo Mi: Tonifying the spleen and stomach, replenishing qi, arresting diarrhea and removing toxicity.

The Effect of Zang Tou Wan


Cool blood to stop bleeding, arrest diarrhea, clear heat and remove toxicity.


Hematochezia and rectocele.

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