
The Prescription of 五仁丸


The book Shi Yi De Xiao Fang


Tao Ren 30 g,Xing Ren 30 g,Song Zi Ren 15 g,Bai Zi Ren 15 g,Yu Li Ren 3 g,Chen Pi 120 g.


Xing Ren: Keeping the adverse flow of the lung-Qi downwards, lubricating the intestines.

Bai Zi Ren, Yu Li Ren, Tao Ren and Song Zi Ren: Moistening the lung and lubricating the intestine.

Chen Pi: Regulating the flow of qi and relieving stagnation.

The Effect of 五仁丸


Moisten the intestines and relax the bowels.


Constipation, dry tongue, uneven and thready pulse.


Ground into powder and mixed with honey into pills. 9 g of the pills is taken each time, twice daily.

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