Wind-Heat-Dispersing Herbs
NameNiu Bang Zi (Fructus Arctii) ——Ming Yi Bie Lu (Miscellaneous Records of Famous physicians)The Processing of Niu Bang Zi OriginRipe fruit of biennial herbaceous plant Arctium lappa L. of family Compositae.LocationMainly in the northeast region, and Zhejiang province in China.HarvestIn autumn when
NameNiu Bang Zi (Fructus Arctii) ——Ming Yi Bie Lu (Miscellaneous Records of Famous physicians)The Processing of 牛蒡子OriginRipe fruit of biennial herbaceous plant Arctium lappa L. of family Compositae.LocationMainly in the northeast region, and Zhejiang province in China.HarvestIn autumn when the frui
NameChan Tui (Periostracum Cicadae) ——Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Shen Nong’s Herbal)The Processing of Chan TuiOriginShell of insect Cryptotympana pustulata Fabricius during eclosion of family Cicadidae.LocationMost regions in China.HarvestCollected in summer and autumn.The real smell and tasteLess smel
NameChan Tui (Periostracum Cicadae) ——Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Shen Nong’s Herbal)The Processing of 蝉蜕OriginShell of insect Cryptotympana pustulata Fabricius during eclosion of family Cicadidae.LocationMost regions in China.HarvestCollected in summer and autumn.The real smell and tasteLess smell, bla
NameSang Ye (Folium Mori) ——Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Shen Nong’s Herbal)The Processing of Sang Ye OriginLeaf of arbor plant Morus alba L. of family Moraceae.LocationSilkworm breeding regions in south of China.HarvestCollected after early frost.The real smell and tasteLess smell and bland taste, sligh
NameSang Ye (Folium Mori) ——Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Shen Nong’s Herbal)The Processing of 桑叶OriginLeaf of arbor plant Morus alba L. of family Moraceae.LocationSilkworm breeding regions in south of China.HarvestCollected after early frost.The real smell and tasteLess smell and bland taste, slightly bi
NameJu Hua (Flos Chrysanthemi) ——Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Shen Nong’s Herbal)The Processing of Ju HuaOriginCapitulum of perennial herb Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. of family Compasitae.LocationZhejiang, Anhui and Henan provinces of China. According to difference of place of production and processi
NameJu Hua (Flos Chrysanthemi) ——Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Shen Nong’s Herbal)The Processing of 菊花OriginCapitulum of perennial herb Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. of family Compasitae.LocationZhejiang, Anhui and Henan provinces of China. According to difference of place of production and processing m
NameMan Jing Zi (Fructus Viticis)——Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Shen Nong’s Herbal)The Processing of Man Jing ZiOriginMature fruit of shrubby plant Vitex trifolia L. var. simplicifolia Cham. or V. trifolia L. of family Verbenaceae.LocationVitex trifolia L. var. simplicifolia Cham. mainly grows in Shandon
NamingDan Dou Chi (Semen Sojae Preparatum) ——Ming Yi Bie Lu (Miscellaneous Records of Famous physicians)The Processing of Dan Dou ChiOriginThe fermented production of ripe seeds of Glycine max( L.) Merr. which belongs to the family Leguminosae.LocationEverywhere in china.The real smell and tasteFrag