
The Prescription of Tiaojing Zhongyu Tang


The book Wan Shi Nv Ke


Dang Gui 24 g,Chuan Xiong 12 g,Shu Di 30 g,Xiang Fu 18 g,Bai Shao 18 g,Fu Ling 12 g,Chen Pi 9 g,Wu Zhu Yu 9 g,Dan Pi 9 g,Xuan Hu Suo 9 g.


Dang Gui and Chuan Xiong: Soothing the liver and tonifying blood.

Bai Shao: Enriching blood and regulating Ying.

Shu Di: Nourishing the kidney and replenishing essence.

Wu Zhu Yu: Being pungent and bitter in flavor and heat in nature, warming the stomach to disperse cold, removing stagnated food, descending Qi to lower the turbid.

Dan Pi: Clearing away pathogenic fire in the liver.

Fu Ling: Promoting diuresis and strengthening the spleen.

Xiang Fu: Soothing liver and promoting the flow of qi, regulating menorrhea.

Chen Pi: Promoting the flow of qi, drying dampness and resolving phlegm.

Yan Hu Suo: Activating blood, promoting the flow of qi and alleviating pain.

The Effect of Tiaojing Zhongyu Tang


Regulate menstruation and replenish essence and blood.



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