Midway between GB-21 Jianjing and SI-13 Quyuan above the shoulder blade.
In the supraclavicular fossa, in the depression midway between GB-21 Jianjing and SI-13 Quyuan at the medial end of the suprascapular fossa.
Midway between the lateral extremity of the acromion and DU-14 Dazhui, and 1 cun posterior to GB-21 Jianjing (the highest point on the trapezius muscle).
Midway between GB-21 Jianjing and SI-13 Quyuan on the superior angle of the scapula.


Straight insertion towards the spine of the scapula 0.5 to 1 cun.
Oblique insertion directed according to the clinical manifestations, 0.5 to 1 cun.
Caution: perpendicular insertion, especially in thin patients, carries a substantial risk of inducing a pneumothorax.
Puncture perpendicularly 0.5 to 1 cun,
Moxibustion is applicable.


Meeting point of the Yang Wei and Gall Bladder channels


Dispels Wind-Damp
Activates the channel
Alleviates pain
Unbinds the chest
Regulates Qi


Inflammation of the supraspinatus tendon
Pain or soreness in the region of the scapula and back of the neck
Heat and fullness of the chest
Heat in the body with absence of sweating
Chills and fever
Pain and weakness of the arm
Absence of perspiration
Pain of the shoulder and arm
Stiffness and pain of the neck
Tension of the nape of the neck
Pain in the supraclavicular fossa
Agitation and oppression of the chest
Oppression of the Heart with absence of sweating
Febrile disease
Pain in the lower subclavicular area
pain in the shoulder and elbow


LI-11 Quchi
Pain and heaviness of the shoulder with inability to raise the arm



This is an important point for shoulder pain.

The knowledge about Traditional Chinese Medicine is provided free but without any warranties. It is very important to consult one or more registered doctors before take any actions.