TCM therapies
Regulating Qi, is using drugs of regulating stagnation to cure diseases of qi disorders. In clinical treatment, methods in TCM all can work and cure with this method. Apply with drugs of regulating qi functions can reach a better effect.1.operate Qi methodThis method is mainly used for the stagnatio
Bu Yi method, is using drugs to nourishing the blood and qi, regulating yin and Yang, strengthening healthy Qi. During clinical application, relationship between yin and Yang Qi should be noted. When having blooding, enhancing qi is applicable; the interdependence of yin and Yang principles should b
Gu Se method is to use of astringent or styptic treatment for convergence of body fluid, essence qi. This method is mainly used for spontaneous perspiration, night sweat, chronic cough, diarrhea, urinary incontinence, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis.Lian Han Gu Biao method:It is applied to deficiency o
One method to use drugs that have purgation functions, eliminating indigestion, clear excess heat, draining retained fluid is Xie Xia Fa. Due to the differences on severity and course of the disease, the usage can be different.1.Han Xia Fa(Cold purgation)This method is to treat inner heat, excess sy
All methods and drugs that can cure wind syndromes are called Qu Feng. In TCM treatment, outside wind pathological factors should be evacuated. Wind syndromes have a wide range of categories; it can attack with cold, resulting in a very complex condition, so the prescription should be fully taken in
All the method of dispelling heat are Qu Shu. In most cases, heat comes with dampness cause it occurs in summer, while summer is quite rainy.If the body is exposed to the cold wind,so two pathological factors can invade at the same time. Heat qi connects the heart, while heat hurts the qi, therefore
Dampness belongs to yin pathological factors; it may come from inner body and also outside world. Outside dampness, in most cases, stay at the surface of the skin and within the meridians; while the inner dampness, have the zang-fu organs’ illness in majority. Dampness can harm the body along with o
Moistening dryness method, is to use moisturizing drugs to treat dryness syndrome. Dryness can be outer or inner, outer-dryness can be divided into cold dry and warm dry, while inner dry is the sign of body fluid deficiency.1. Drain off the drynessIt is for treating cool dryness or warm dryness dise
It is a therapy to eliminate the pathogenic factors. Causes of phlegm can be either exogenous or internal. Diseases caused by phlegm then vary, and should be treated differently.1.Zao shi hua tan method(Removing dampness and resolving phlegm)It is for treatment of damp phlegm. Causes of damp and phl
Expelling parasite:This method is to use insecticidal drugsto expel parasite in the body. Depending on the patient's constitutions and state of illness, slow treatment and fast treating are available. Inspection results should be for reference for choosing different recipes. Expelling parasite drugs