The Prescription of 十六味地黄丸
The book Ci You Xin Zhuan
Ren Shen 30 g,Bai Zhu 30 g,Fu Ling 30 g,Shan Yao 30 g,Yi Yi Ren 30 g,Qian Shi 30 g,Lian Zi 30 g,Gan Cao 30 g,Chen Pi 30 g,Shan Zha 30 g,Mai Ya 30 g,Sha Ren 30 g,Huang Lian 30 g,Ze Xie 30 g,Shao Yao 30 g,Lian Qiao 30 g.Explanation
Huang Lian: Clearing heat and removing toxicity.
Shan Zha: Promoting digestion and dissipating food stagnation.
Mai Ya: Promoting digestion and invigorating the spleen.
Gan Cao: Invigorating the spleen and stomach, tempering the actions of all the other ingredients.
Ze Xie: Inducing diuresis and draining dampness, purging heat.
Chen Pi and Sha Ren: Promoting the flow of Qi to regulate the stomach and relieve pain.
Shao Yao: Astringing the liver to alleviate pain.
Ren Shen, Shan Yao and Lian Zi: invigorating Qi and strengthening the spleen, regulating the stomach to treat diarrhea.
Bai Zhu, Fu Ling and Yi Yi Ren: Promoting water metabolism and strengthening the spleen.
Qian Shi: Tonifying the kidney and securing essence; tonifying the spleen to check diarrhea, drying dampness and stopping leukorrhagia.
Lian Qiao: Dispersing wind-heat, clearing heart-heat and removing toxicity.
The Effect of 十六味地黄丸
Clear heat and strengthen the spleen and stomach.
Deficiency in the spleen and stomach of children.
All the drugs are ground into fine powder. The powder is made with honey into pills.