
The Prescription of Sanbi Tang


The book Zhang Shi Yi Tong


Ren Shen 3 g,Zhi Huang Qi 3 g,Bai Zhu 3 g,Dang Gui 3 g,Chuan Xiong 3 g,Bai Shao 3 g,Fu Ling 3 g,Zhi Gan Cao 1.5 g,Fang Ji 1.5 g,Fang Feng 1.5 g,Rou Gui 1.5 g,Wu Tou 1.5 g,Xi Xin 0.9 g,Sheng Jiang 10 g,Hong Zao 2 dates.


Fang Ji: Expelling wind and removing dampness.

Shao Yao: Replenishing Yin-blood.

Dang Gui: Tonifying blood and activating blood, alleviating pain.

Rou Gui: Reinforcing fire and strengthening yang, dispelling cold and alleviating pain.

Wu Tou: Expelling wind and treating arthralgia, dispersing cold to alleviate pain.

Huang Qi: Invigorating Qi and consolidating the superficies, removing dampness and subsiding swelling.

Bai Zhu: Invigorating Qi, strengthening the spleen, promoting the function of the spleen in transportation and transformation of food material.

Zhi Gan Cao: Reinforcing the spleen and regulating the stomach, tempering the actions of all the other ingredients.

Fu Ling: Inducing diuresis and draining dampness, invigorating the spleen.Sheng Jiang and Da Zao: Coordinating Ying and Wei.

Ren Shen: Invigorating primordial Qi, strengthening the spleen and stomach.

Chuan Xiong: Activating blood circulation and promoting the flow of qi, expelling wind and alleviating pain.

Xi Xin: Relieving exterior and dispelling cold, dispelling wind to alleviate pain, freeing nasal orifice, warming lung and relieving cough.

Fang Feng: Dispersing wind pathogen to relieve exterior syndrome.

The Effect of Sanbi Tang


Rheumatic arthritis.


Decoct in water for oral dose to be taken at any time.

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