The Prescription of Qing Yan Wan
Jie Geng 100 g,Han Shui Shi 100 g,Bo He 100 g,He Zi 100 g,Gan Cao 100 g,Wu Mei 100 g,Qing Dai 20 g,Peng Sha 20 g,Bing Pian 20 g.Explanation
Gan Cao, Qing Dai and Peng Sha: Clearing heat and removing toxicity.
Wu Mei: astringing lung to check cough, promoting the generation of fluid.
He Zi: astringing lung to check cough, relieving sore throat
Bing Pian: Clearing heat and alleviating pain.
Bo He and Jie Geng: Dispelling wind and clearing heat.
Han Shui Shi: Clearing heat and reducing pathogenic fire, resolving swelling.
The Effect of Qing Yan Wan
Clear heat and relieve sore throat.
It is contraindicated to pregnant women.