The Prescription of 清经止血汤
The book Zhong Yi Fu Ke Zhi Liao Xue
Sheng Di 18 g,Dan Pi 6 g,Huang Qin 9 g,Huang Bo 12 g,Mao Gen 15 g,Di Yu 9 g,Pu Huang 9 g,Yi Mu Cao 12 g,Zong Lv Tan 6 g.Explanation
Huang Qin and Huang Bo: Clearing heat and removing toxicity.
Mao Gen: Cooling blood to stop bleeding, clearing heat.
Di Yu: Cooling blood to stop bleeding, resolving swelling and promoting tissue regernation.
Sheng Di, Zong Lv Tan: Cooling blood to stop bleeding.
Dan Pi: Cooling blood, activating blood and dissipating blood stasis.
Yi Mu Cao: Activating blood and regulating menstruation, promoting diuresis and dissolving edema, clearing heat and removing toxicity.
Pu Huang: Stopping bleeding, resolving stasis, inducing diuresis.
The Effect of 清经止血汤
Clear heat, cool blood and stop bleeding.
Decoct in water for oral dose to be taken twice.