NameThe Prescription of 黄芪桂枝五物汤SourceThe book Jin Gui Yao LueIngredientsHuang Qi 9 g,Shao Yao 9 g,Gui Zhi 9 g,Sheng Jiang 18 g,Da Zao 4 dates.ExplanationHuang Qi: Invigorating Qi and tonifying the spleen and stomach.Gui Zhi: Warming Yang-Qi and dispelling cold.Shao Yao: Tonifying blood and Replenish
NameThe Prescription of Huangqi Guizhi Wuwei TangSourceThe book Jin Gui Yao LueIngredientsHuang Qi 9 g,Shao Yao 9 g,Gui Zhi 9 g,Sheng Jiang 18 g,Da Zao 4 dates.ExplanationHuang Qi: Invigorating Qi and tonifying the spleen and stomach.Gui Zhi: Warming Yang-Qi and dispelling cold.Shao Yao: Tonifying b
NameYang-activating DecoctionThe Prescription of 阳和汤SourceThe book Wai Ke Quan Sheng JiIngredientsShu Di (Radix Rehmanniae Preparata) 30 g,Rou Gui (Cortex Cinnamomi) 3 g,Ma Huang (Herba Ephedrae) 2 g,Lu Jiao Jiao (Colla Cornus Cervi) 9 g,Bai Jie Zi (Semen Sinapis Albae) 6 g,Pao Jiang (Rhizoma Zingib
NameYang-activating DecoctionThe Prescription of Yanghe TangSourceThe book Wai Ke Quan Sheng JiIngredientsShu Di (Radix Rehmanniae Preparata) 30 g,Rou Gui (Cortex Cinnamomi) 3 g,Ma Huang (Herba Ephedrae) 2 g,Lu Jiao Jiao (Colla Cornus Cervi) 9 g,Bai Jie Zi (Semen Sinapis Albae) 6 g,Pao Jiang (Rhizom
NameThe Prescription of 中和汤SourceThe book Bian Que Xin ShuIngredientsCang Zhu 500 g,Chuan Wu 120 g,Hou Po 120 g,Chen Pi 120 g,Gan Cao 120 g,Cao Guo 60 g.ExplanationCang Zhu: Drying dampness and invigorating spleen, dispelling wind-dampness.Hou Po: Inducing Qi to flow downward and relieving distentio
NameThe Prescription of Zhonghe TangSourceThe book Bian Que Xin ShuIngredientsCang Zhu 500 g,Chuan Wu 120 g,Hou Po 120 g,Chen Pi 120 g,Gan Cao 120 g,Cao Guo 60 g.ExplanationCang Zhu: Drying dampness and invigorating spleen, dispelling wind-dampness.Hou Po: Inducing Qi to flow downward and relieving
NameThe Prescription of 小金丹SourceWai Ke Zheng Zhi Quan Shu JiIngredientsBai Jiao Xiang 4.5 g,Cao Wu 45 g,Wu Ling Zhi 45 g,Di Long 45 g,Mu Bie Zi 45 g,Mo Yao 24 g,Ru Xiang 24 g,Dang Gui 24 g,She Xiang 3 g,Chen Mo 4 g.ExplanationCao Wu: Dispelling wind-damp, warming meridians and dispersing cold.Wu Li
NameThe Prescription of Xiaojin DanSourceWai Ke Zheng Zhi Quan Shu JiIngredientsBai Jiao Xiang 4.5 g,Cao Wu 45 g,Wu Ling Zhi 45 g,Di Long 45 g,Mu Bie Zi 45 g,Mo Yao 24 g,Ru Xiang 24 g,Dang Gui 24 g,She Xiang 3 g,Chen Mo 4 g.ExplanationCao Wu: Dispelling wind-damp, warming meridians and dispersing co
NameThe Prescription of 芍药甘草附子汤SourceThe book Shang Han LunIngredientsZhi Gan Cao 9 g,Shao Yao 9 g,Fu Zi 3 g.ExplanationShao Yao: Astringing the liver to alleviate pain.Gan Cao: Removing heat and toxic material, coordinating the actions of all the other ingredients, getting together with Bai Shao to
NameThe Prescription of Shaoyao Gancao Fuzi TangSourceThe book Shang Han LunIngredientsZhi Gan Cao 9 g,Shao Yao 9 g,Fu Zi 3 g.ExplanationShao Yao: Astringing the liver to alleviate pain.Gan Cao: Removing heat and toxic material, coordinating the actions of all the other ingredients, getting together