Prescriptions for Warming the Middle-Jiao to Dispel Pathogenic Cold
NameThe Prescription of 理中化痰丸SourceThe book Ming Yi Za ZhuIngredientsRen ShenBai ZhuGan JiangGan CaoFu LingJiang Ban XiaExplanationGan Jiang: The principal drug, being pungent in flavor and heat in nature, warming the spleen and stomach to remove cold in the interior.Ren Shen: Invigorating primodial
NameThe Prescription of Lizhong Huatan WanSourceThe book Ming Yi Za ZhuIngredientsRen ShenBai ZhuGan JiangGan CaoFu LingJiang Ban XiaExplanationGan Jiang: The principal drug, being pungent in flavor and heat in nature, warming the spleen and stomach to remove cold in the interior.Ren Shen: Invigorat
NameThe Prescription of 附子理中丸IngredientsRen Shen 9 g,Bai Zhu 9 g,Gan Jiang 9 g,Gan Cao 9 g,Fu Zi 9 g.ExplanationFu Zi and Gan Jiang: The principal drugs, warming up Yang-Qi, dispelling pathogenic cold.Ren Shen: Invigorating primodial Qi, aiding in transporting and transforming nutrients and regulati
NameThe Prescription of Fuzi Lizhong WanIngredientsRen Shen 9 g,Bai Zhu 9 g,Gan Jiang 9 g,Gan Cao 9 g,Fu Zi 9 g.ExplanationFu Zi and Gan Jiang: The principal drugs, warming up Yang-Qi, dispelling pathogenic cold.Ren Shen: Invigorating primodial Qi, aiding in transporting and transforming nutrients a
NameThe Prescription of 桂枝人参汤SourceThe book Shang Han LunIngredientsGui Zhi 12 g,Zhi Gan Cao 12 g,Bai Zhu 9 g,Gan Jiang 9 g,Ren Shen 9 g.ExplanationGui Zhi: Expelling pathogenic factors from the muscles and skin by means of diaphoresis, warming the channels to dispel pathogenic cold.Bai Zhu: Tonifyi
NameThe Prescription of Guizhi Renshen TangSourceThe book Shang Han LunIngredientsGui Zhi 12 g,Zhi Gan Cao 12 g,Bai Zhu 9 g,Gan Jiang 9 g,Ren Shen 9 g.ExplanationGui Zhi: Expelling pathogenic factors from the muscles and skin by means of diaphoresis, warming the channels to dispel pathogenic cold.Ba
NameThe Prescription of 黄芪建中汤SourceThe book Jin Gui Yao LueIngredientsHuang Qi 4.5 g,Gui Zhi 9 g,Zhi Gan Cao 6 g,Da Zao 12 dates,Shao Yao 18 g,Sheng Jiang 9 g,Yi Tang 30 g.ExplanationYi Tang: Replenishing the spleen-Qi to nourish the spleen-Yin, warming and tonifying the middle-Jiao, nourishing the
NameThe Prescription of Huangqi Jianzhong TangSourceThe book Jin Gui Yao LueIngredientsHuang Qi 4.5 g,Gui Zhi 9 g,Zhi Gan Cao 6 g,Da Zao 12 dates,Shao Yao 18 g,Sheng Jiang 9 g,Yi Tang 30 g.ExplanationYi Tang: Replenishing the spleen-Qi to nourish the spleen-Yin, warming and tonifying the middle-Jiao
NameThe Prescription of 当归建中汤SourceThe book Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju FangIngredientsDang Gui 12 g,Rou Gui 9 g,Zhi Gan Cao 6 g,Shao Yao 18 g,Da Zao 6 dates,Sheng Jiang 9 g.ExplanationDang Gui: Tonifying blood and activating blood, alleviating pain.Rou Gui: Reinforcing fire and strengthening yang, di
NameThe Prescription of Danggui Jianzhong TangSourceThe book Tai Ping Hui Min He Ji Ju FangIngredientsDang Gui 12 g,Rou Gui 9 g,Zhi Gan Cao 6 g,Shao Yao 18 g,Da Zao 6 dates,Sheng Jiang 9 g.ExplanationDang Gui: Tonifying blood and activating blood, alleviating pain.Rou Gui: Reinforcing fire and stren