Prescriptions for Treating Carbuncles and Abscess
NameThe Prescription of 藻药散SourceThe book Zheng Zhi Zhun ShenIngredientsHai Zao 30 g,Huang Yao Zi 60 g.ExplanationHai Zao: Dissolving phlegm and softening hardness, inducing diuresis.Huang Yao Zi: Removing toxicity, reducing pathogenic fire and treating goiter.The Effect of 藻药散EffectDissolve phlegm,
NameThe Prescription of Zao Yao SanSourceThe book Zheng Zhi Zhun ShenIngredientsHai Zao 30 g,Huang Yao Zi 60 g.ExplanationHai Zao: Dissolving phlegm and softening hardness, inducing diuresis.Huang Yao Zi: Removing toxicity, reducing pathogenic fire and treating goiter.The Effect of Zao Yao SanEffect
NameThe Prescription of 皂刺散SourceThe book Ren Zhai Zhi ZhiIngredientsZao Jiao CiGua LouWu Ling ZhiExplanationZao Jiao Ci: Counteracting toxic pathogen, expelling wind, resolving swelling and expelling pus.Gua Lou: Clearing away heat and eliminating phlegm so as to moisten dryness.Wu Ling Zhi: Activa
NameThe Prescription of Zaoci SanSourceThe book Ren Zhai Zhi ZhiIngredientsZao Jiao CiGua LouWu Ling ZhiExplanationZao Jiao Ci: Counteracting toxic pathogen, expelling wind, resolving swelling and expelling pus.Gua Lou: Clearing away heat and eliminating phlegm so as to moisten dryness.Wu Ling Zhi:
NameThe Prescription of 皂角苦参丸SourceThe book Yi Zong Jin JianIngredientsKu Shen 500 g,Jing Jie 375 g,Bai Zhi 180 g,Da Feng Zi 180 g,Fang Feng 180 g,Zhu Ya Zao 150 g,Chuan Xiong 150 g,Dang Gui 150 g,Shou Wu 150 g,Da Hu Ma 150 g,Gou Qi 150 g,Niu Bang Zi 150 g,Wei Ling Xian 150 g,Quan Xie 150 g,Bai Fu Z
NameThe Prescription of Zaojiao Kushen WanSourceThe book Yi Zong Jin JianIngredientsKu Shen 500 g,Jing Jie 375 g,Bai Zhi 180 g,Da Feng Zi 180 g,Fang Feng 180 g,Zhu Ya Zao 150 g,Chuan Xiong 150 g,Dang Gui 150 g,Shou Wu 150 g,Da Hu Ma 150 g,Gou Qi 150 g,Niu Bang Zi 150 g,Wei Ling Xian 150 g,Quan Xie 1
NameThe Prescription of 针头散SourceThe Book Wai Ke Fa HuiIngredientsChi Shi Zhi 15 gRu Xiang 6 gBai Ding Xiang 6 gPi Shi 3 gHuang Dan 3 gQing Fen 1.5 gShe Xiang 1.5 gA Wu GongExplanationChi Shi Zhi: Astringe wound to stop bleeding.Ru Xiang: Activate blood, promote the flow of qi and alleviate pain, re
NameThe Prescription of Zhentou SanSourceThe Book Wai Ke Fa HuiIngredientsChi Shi Zhi 15 gRu Xiang 6 gBai Ding Xiang 6 gPi Shi 3 gHuang Dan 3 gQing Fen 1.5 gShe Xiang 1.5 gA Wu GongExplanationChi Shi Zhi: Astringe wound to stop bleeding.Ru Xiang: Activate blood, promote the flow of qi and alleviate