Prescriptions for Regulating the Liver and Spleen
NameThe Prescription of 芍药甘草汤SourceThe book Shang Han LunIngredientsShao Yao 12 g,Gan Cao 12 g.ExplanationShao Yao: Astringing the liver to alleviate pain.Gan Cao: Removing heat and toxic material, coordinating the actions of all the other ingredients, getting together with Bai Shao to relieve spasm
NameThe Prescription of Shaoyao Gancao TangSourceThe book Shang Han LunIngredientsShao Yao 12 g,Gan Cao 12 g.ExplanationShao Yao: Astringing the liver to alleviate pain.Gan Cao: Removing heat and toxic material, coordinating the actions of all the other ingredients, getting together with Bai Shao to
NamePrescription of Importance for Diarrhea with PainThe Prescription of 痛泻要方SourceThe book Jing Yue Quan ShuIngredientsBai Zhu (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae) 12 g,Bai Shao (Radix Paeoniae Alba) 9 g,Chen Pi (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae) 6 g,Fang Feng (Radix Saposhinkoviae) 9 g.ExplanationBai
NamePrescription of Importance for Diarrhea with PainThe Prescription of Tongxie YaofangSourceThe book Jing Yue Quan ShuIngredientsBai Zhu (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae) 12 g,Bai Shao (Radix Paeoniae Alba) 9 g,Chen Pi (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae) 6 g,Fang Feng (Radix Saposhinkoviae) 9 g.Exp
NameThe Prescription of 枳实芍药散SourceThe book Shang Han LunIngredientsZhi Shi and Shao YaoExplanationZhi Shi: Promoting the circulation of Qi, eliminating stagnancy and relieving distention and fullness in the epigastrium and abdomen.Shao Yao: Tonifying blood.The Effect of 枳实芍药散EffectHarmonize qi and
NameThe Prescription of Zhishi Shaoyao SanSourceThe book Shang Han LunIngredientsZhi Shi and Shao YaoExplanationZhi Shi: Promoting the circulation of Qi, eliminating stagnancy and relieving distention and fullness in the epigastrium and abdomen.Shao Yao: Tonifying blood.The Effect of Zhishi Shaoyao
NameThe Prescription of 黑逍遥散SourceThe book Yi Zong Ji Ren BianIngredientsChai Hu (Radix Bupleuri) 9 g,Dang Gui (Radix Angelicae Sinensis) 9 g,Bai Shao (Radix Paeoniae Alba) 9 g,Bai Zhu (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae) 9 g,Fu Ling (Poria) 9 g,Zhi Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata) 4.5 g,Sheng
NameThe Prescription of Hei Xiaoyao SanSourceThe book Yi Zong Ji Ren BianIngredientsChai Hu (Radix Bupleuri) 9 g,Dang Gui (Radix Angelicae Sinensis) 9 g,Bai Shao (Radix Paeoniae Alba) 9 g,Bai Zhu (Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae) 9 g,Fu Ling (Poria) 9 g,Zhi Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata)
NameThe Prescription of 加味逍遥散SourceThe book Nei Ke Zhai YaoIngredientsDang Gui 3 g,Shao Yao 3 g,Fu Ling 3 g,Bai Zhu 3 g,Chai Hu 3 g,Mu Dan Pi 1.5 g,Shan Zhi 1.5 g,Zhi Gan Cao 1.5 g,ExplanationChai Hu: Being bitter and pungent in flavor and slightly cold in nature, soothing the liver to promote the c
NameThe Prescription of Jiawei Xiaoyao SanSourceThe book Nei Ke Zhai YaoIngredientsDang Gui 3 g,Shao Yao 3 g,Fu Ling 3 g,Bai Zhu 3 g,Chai Hu 3 g,Mu Dan Pi 1.5 g,Shan Zhi 1.5 g,Zhi Gan Cao 1.5 g,ExplanationChai Hu: Being bitter and pungent in flavor and slightly cold in nature, soothing the liver to