Prescriptions for Inducing Diuresis to Remove Dampness
NamePowder of Peel of Five DrugsThe Prescription of 五皮散SourceThe book Hua Shi Zhong Cang JingIngredientsSheng Jiang Pi (Exocarpium Zingiberis Recens) 9 g,Sang Bai Pi (Cortex Mori) 9 g,Chen Ju Pi (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae) 9 g,Da Fu Pi (Pericarpium Arecae) 9g,Fu Ling Pi (Extra Poriae) 9 g.Explan
NamePowder of Peel of Five DrugsThe Prescription of Wupi SanSourceThe book Hua Shi Zhong Cang JingIngredientsSheng Jiang Pi (Exocarpium Zingiberis Recens) 9 g,Sang Bai Pi (Cortex Mori) 9 g,Chen Ju Pi (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae) 9 g,Da Fu Pi (Pericarpium Arecae) 9g,Fu Ling Pi (Extra Poriae) 9 g.E
NameThe Prescription of 四苓散SourceThe book Dan Xi Xin FaIngredientsFu LingZhu LingZe XieChao Bai ZhuExplanationZe Xie: The principal drug, being sweet and insipid in flavor and cold in nature, removing dampness and promoting diuresis.Fu Ling and Zhu Ling: Removing excessive fluid by promoting diuresi
NameThe Prescription of Siling SanSourceThe book Dan Xi Xin FaIngredientsFu LingZhu LingZe XieChao Bai ZhuExplanationZe Xie: The principal drug, being sweet and insipid in flavor and cold in nature, removing dampness and promoting diuresis.Fu Ling and Zhu Ling: Removing excessive fluid by promoting
NameThe Prescription of 胃苓汤IngredientsCang Zhu 24 g,Chen Pi 15 g,Hou Po 15 g,Zhi Gan Cao 9 g,Ze Xie 7.5 g,Zhu Ling 4.5 g,Chi Fu Ling 4.5 g,Bai Zhu 4.5 g,Rou Gui 3 g.ExplanationHou Po, Chen Pi, Cang Zhu and Gan Cao: Drying dampness and harmonizing the stomach and spleen.Ze Xie, Zhu Ling, Fu Ling and
NameThe Prescription of Weiling TangIngredientsCang Zhu 24 g,Chen Pi 15 g,Hou Po 15 g,Zhi Gan Cao 9 g,Ze Xie 7.5 g,Zhu Ling 4.5 g,Chi Fu Ling 4.5 g,Bai Zhu 4.5 g,Rou Gui 3 g.ExplanationHou Po, Chen Pi, Cang Zhu and Gan Cao: Drying dampness and harmonizing the stomach and spleen.Ze Xie, Zhu Ling, Fu
NameThe Prescription of 茵陈五苓散SourceThe book Jin Gui Yao LueIngredientsYin Chen Hao 30 g,The Prescription of Wuling San 15 g.ExplanationYin Chen: Eliminating dampness and treating jaundice, clearing heat and removing toxicity.Ze Xie: Removing dampness and promoting diuresis.Fu Ling and Zhu Ling: Remo
NameThe Prescription of Yinchen Wuling SanSourceThe book Jin Gui Yao LueIngredientsYin Chen Hao 30 g,The Prescription of Wuling San 15 g.ExplanationYin Chen: Eliminating dampness and treating jaundice, clearing heat and removing toxicity.Ze Xie: Removing dampness and promoting diuresis.Fu Ling and Z
NameThe Prescription of 防己茯苓汤SourceThe book Jin Gui Yao LueIngredientsFang Ji 9 g,Huang Qi 9 g,Gui Zhi 9 g,Fu Ling 18 g,Gan Cao 6 g.ExplanationFang Ji: One of the principal drugs, being bitter and pungent in flavor and slightly cold in nature, expelling wind and removing dampness.Huang Qi: Invigorat
NameThe Prescription of Fangji Fuling TangSourceThe book Jin Gui Yao LueIngredientsFang Ji 9 g,Huang Qi 9 g,Gui Zhi 9 g,Fu Ling 18 g,Gan Cao 6 g.ExplanationFang Ji: One of the principal drugs, being bitter and pungent in flavor and slightly cold in nature, expelling wind and removing dampness.Huang