Decoction of burdock Fruit for Expelling Pathogenic Factors from the Muscles
The Prescription of Niubang Jieji Tang
the book Yang Ke Xin De Ji
Niu Bang Zi (Fructus Arctii) 10 g,Bo He (Herba Menthae) 6 g,Jing Jie (Herba Schizonepetae) 6 g,Lian Qiao (Fructus Forsythiae) 10 g,Shan Zhi (Fructus Gardeniae) 10 g,Dan Pi (Cortex Moutan) 10 g,Shi Hu (Herba Dendrobii) 12 g,Xuan Shen (Radix Scrophulariae) 10 g,Xia Ku Cao (Spica Prunellae) 12 g.Explanation
Niu Bang Zi: The principal drug, being pungent and bitter in flavor and cold in nature, dispersing wind-heat in the head.
Bo He and Jing Jie: Relieving exterior syndrome by means of diaphoresis.
Lian Qiao: Clearing away heat and toxic material, dispelling masses and subduing swelling.
Dan Pi, Shan Zhi and Xia Ku Cao: Purging fire pathogenfrom blood.
Xuan Shen: Purging fire to remove toxins, working together with Shi Hu to nourish Yin and clear away heat.
The Effect of Niubang Jieji Tang
Dispelling wind, clearing away heat, cooling blood and subduing swelling.
Carbuncle and swelling complicated by exterior syndrome due to wind-heat, marked by burning, red, swelling and pain caused by carbuncle on the skin, mild chills and high fever, little of sweating, thrist, deep-colored urine, or toothache, whitish or yellowish tongue, and floating rapid pulse; including such diseases with the above symptoms and signs as cervical lymphadenitis, periodontitis and influenza.
Decocted in water for oral dose to be taken twice.