Ci Shi


Ci Shi (Magnetitum)——Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Shen Nong’s Herbal)

The Processing of Magnetitum


The mineral of Magnetitum of oxide mineral of family Spinella.


Shandong, Liaoning and Jiangsu provinces and so on in China.


Mined in any time.

The actual smell and taste

Smell of soil, no taste.

Best quality

Black colour and luster, with strong ability of magnetization.


Removed other stones and weaker magnetic mineral; smashed for unprocessed use or quenched with vinegar then smashed in powder.

The Effect of Magnetitum


Salty, cold; heart, liver and kidney meridians entered.


Induce sedation and tranquilization, pacify liver and subdue yang, improve hearing and improve vision, improve qi reception and relieve dyspnea.


A. Unsteadiness of heart-mind, convulsive epilepsy, mania-depressive psychosis

With its heavy weight, descending and sinking characteristics, it induces sedation and tranquilization to enter heart meridian and tonifies kidney-yin to enter kidney meridian. So it is good at protecting kidney-yin, settling floating yang and inducing tranquilization. It is usually indicated for unsteadiness of heart-mind due to kidney deficiency with up-flaming of liver fire to disturb heart-mind. It is usually indicated for unsteadiness of heart-mind, insomnia, and fright palpitations due to fright leading to qi turbulence and failure of mind to keep to its abode. It is usually indicated for epilepsy or mania and unsteadiness, insomnia due to clouding of heart by stagnation of phlegm-fire. For diseases mentioned above, it is often combined with Zhu Sha to induce sedation and tranquilization, such as Ci Zhu Wan from Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang.

B. Dizziness due to liver yang

It enters liver and kidney meridians and can pacify liver and subdue yang, also nourish kidney-yin to astringe floating yang. For dizziness, dizzy vision, irritability and tendency to anger, it is often combined with liver-pacifying and yang-subduing herbs. For instance, it is combined with Shi Jue Ming and Mu Li and so on.

C.Tinnitus, deafness, dim vision due to liver and kidney deficiency

It has actions of nourishing kidney-yin and improving hearing and vision. For tinnitus, deafness due to kidney deficiency, it is often combined with kidney-nourishing herbs to tonify kidney and improve hearing. For instance, it is combined with Shu Di Huang, Shan Zhu Yu and Wu Wei Zi and so on. For blurred vision due to liver and kidney deficiency, it is often combined with liver-kidney-tonifying and vision-improving herbs. For instance, it is combined with Gou Qi Zi, Nv Zhen Zi and Ju Hua and so on.

D. Dyspnea due to kidney deficiency

It has actions of tonifying kidney, improving qi reception and relieving dyspnea. For dyspnea due to kidney-qi deficiency failure in receiving qi, it is often combined with herbs to improve qi reception and relieve dyspnea. For instance, it is comboined with Wu Wei Zi, Hu Tao Rou and Ge Jie and so on.

Dosage and Administrations

Decoct 15~30 g. Smash and decoct first. Take 1~3 g in powder. Mostly used after quenched with vinegar.

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