The Prescription of 理冲汤
The book Yi Xue Zhong Zhong Can Xi Lu
Raw Huang Qi 9 g,Dang Shen 6 g,Bai Zhu 6 g,Shan Yao 15 g,Tian Hua Fen 12 g,Zhi Mu 12 g,San Leng 9 g,E Zhu 9 g,Ji Nei Jin 9 g.Explanation
Huang Qi and Bai Zhu: Strengthening the spleen and tonifying qi.
Dang Shen: Invigorating lung-qi and spleen-qi, nourishing blood, and promoting the generation of body fluid.
Shan Yao: Tonifying qi, nourishing yin, and tonifying the spleen, lung and kidney.
San Leng and E Zhu: Regulating qi, activating blood and dissipating mass.
Ji Nei Jin: Promoting digestion and invigorating the spleen.
Zhi Mu and Tian Hua Fen: Clearing heat and purging fire, nourishing yin and moistening dryness.
The Effect of 理冲汤
Replenish qi and promote the circulation of blood, regulate menstruation and dissipate blood stasis.
Amenorrhea, abdominal mass caused by lochiometra.
Decoct in water for oral dose to be taken twice.