The Prescription of 阑尾化瘀汤
The book Xin Ji Fu Zheng Xue
Yin Hua 15 g,Chuan Lian Zi 15 g,Da Huang 9 g,Mu Dan Pi 9 g,Tao Ren 9 g,Yan Hu Suo 9 g,Mu Xiang 9 g.Explanation
Da Huang: Removing accumulated heat from the intestines, clearing away heat and toxic material.
Dan Pi: Being bitter and pungent in flavor and cold in nature, clearing away heat in the blood.
Tao Ren: Being drastic in removing blood stasis, helping Mu Dan Pi and Da Huang to promote blood circulation and disperse blood stasis, and inducing bowel movement.
Chuan Lian Zi and Mu Xiang: Promoting the circulation of qi.
Yan Hu Suo: Activating blood and promoting the circulation of qi.
Yin Hua: Clearing heat and removing toxicity.
The Effect of 阑尾化瘀汤
Promote the circulation of qi and activate blood, clear heat and remove toxicity.
Rebound tenderness, abdominal pain, fever, abdominal distension, local tenderness in right lower abdomen.
Decocted in water for oral dose to be taken twice.