
The Prescription of Jiawei Xiangsu San


The book Yi Xue Xin Wu


Zi Su Ye 5g,Chen Pi 4 g,Xiang Fu 4 g,Zhi Gan Cao 2.5 g,Jing Jie 3 g,Qin Jiao 3 g,Fang Feng 3 g,Man Jing Zi 3 g,Chuan Xiong 1.5 g,Sheng Jiang 9 g.


Zi Su Ye: Dispelling pathogenic cold and facilitating the flow of the lung-Qi.

Xiang Fu and Chen Pi: Regulating the circulation of qi.

Fang Feng: Dispersing wind pathogen to relieve exterior syndrome, working together with

Jing Jie to strongly dispel wind pathogen by diaphoresis.

Chuan Xiong: Dispelling wind pathogen and relieving pain.

Zhi Gan Cao: Invigorating the spleen and stomach, tempering the actions of all the other ingredients.

Man Jing Zi: Dispersing wind-heat.

Qin Jiao: Expelling wind and clearing obstruction in the channels.

Sheng Jiang: Regulating the stomach and descending the adverse flow of Qi.

The Effect of Jiawei Xiangsu San


Relieving exterior syndrome by means of diaphoresis, regulating the circulation of qi and resolving depression.


Common cold.


Decocted in water for oral dose to be taken twice.

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