The Prescription of Jianpi Yangwei Wan
The book She Sheng Mi Pou
Ren Shen 15 g,Bai Zhu 30 g,Fu Ling 30 g,Chen Pi 30 g,Dang Gui 30 g,Bai Shao 30 g,Mai Ya 30 g,Mu Xiang 15 g,Ban Xia Qu 30 g,Shan Yao 60 g,Zhi Shi 15 g.Explanation
Ren Shen and Bai Zhu: Tonifying qi.
Dang Gui and Bai Shao: Tonifying blood.
Mu Xiang and Chen Pi: Promoting the flow of Qi to remove stagnancy.
Ban Xia Qu, Fu Ling and Shan Yao: Drying dampness.
Mai Ya and Zhi Shi: Promoting digestion.
The Effect of Jianpi Yangwei Wan
Tonify qi and blood, promote digestion and remove stagnancy.
Deficiency of spleen and stomach.
All the drugs are ground into fine powder. The powder is made with aging rice into pills. 9 g is taken each time.