
The Prescription of Huanglian Tang


The book Shang Han Lun


Huang Lian 9 g,Zhi Gan Cao 9 g,Gan Jiang 9 g,Gui Zhi 9 g,Ren Shen 6 g,Ban Xia 9 g,Da Zao 4 dates.


Huang Lian: Clearing heat and removing toxicity.

Gan Jiang and Gui Zhi: Warming the middle and dispelling cold, restoring yang andunblocking meridians.

Ban Xia: Harmonizing the stomach and checking adverse rise of qi and stop vomiting,

Ren Shen, Da Zao and Gan Cao: Replenishing the stomach and spleen.

The Effect of Huanglian Tang


Harmonize the stomach and direct qi downward.


Syndrome of upper heat and lower cold.


Decocted in water for oral dose to be taken twice.

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