The Prescription of Houpo Qiwu Tang
The book Jin Gui Yao Lue
Hou Po 250 g,Gan Cao 90 g,Da Huang 90 g,Da Zao 10 dates,Gui Zhi 60 g,Sheng Jiang 150 g.Explanation
Hou Po: The principal drug, promoting the flow of Qi to subdue distention, drying dampness and removing fullness.
Sheng Jiang: Being pungent in taste and warm in nature, dispersing accumulation of pathogens, regulating the stomach to arrest vomiting.
Da Huang: Removing accumulated heat from the intestines, clearing away heat and toxic material.
Da Zao: Tonifying qi and spleen, nourishing blood.
Gui Zhi: Warming and clearing the channels.
Raw Gan Cao: Clearing heat and removing toxicity.
The Effect of Houpo Qiwu Tang
Release exterior syndrome, promote the circulation of qi and relax the bowels.
Abdominal distension, constipation, fever, floating and rapid pulse.
Decocted in water for oral dose to be taken twice.