Heat-Clearing and toxicity-Removing Herbs
NameJian Ye Xiao Yu Xian ( Haplocladium microphyllum)SourceThe drug is the dried entire herb of Haplocladium capillatum (Mitt.) Reims. (family Thuidiaceae), growing on wet rocks, soils or decayed logs under woods, and distributed in Shaanxi, Jiangxi, Hubei Jiangsu and Zhejiang of China.The Effect of
NameXiao Ye Shan Ji Wei Ba Cao (Okubo dryoathyrium frond)The Effect of Xiao Ye Shan Ji Wei Ba CaoPropertyBland, astringent, cool; heart meridian entered.SourcesThe drug is the dried or fresh whole herb or fresh leaf of Dryoathyrium okuboanum (Mak.) Ching (Family Athyriaceae), growing in scrubs along
NameDa Ma Liao (White Smartweed)SourcesThe drug if the dried or fresh herb of Polygonum lapathifolium L. (Family Polygonaceae), growing in grooveside, fieldside or moistland along road, distributed in Northeastern China, Northern China and Shanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Heann, Shandong, Anhui, Zhejiang, Hu
NameDi Nie (Twelve stamen Melastoma Herb)SourcesThe drug is the dried root or entire plant of Melastoma dodecandrum Lour. (family Melastomaceae), growing on acidic soils in hillsides, scrubs or on grasslands, and distributed in ZhejiangFujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou of China.The
NameChe Sang Zi Ye (Folium Dodonaeae Viscosae)SourcesThe drug is the leaf of Dodonaea viscose (L.) Jacq. (Family Sapindaceae), growing in arid hillslopes, in scrubs or coasts, distributed in Fujian, Taiwan, Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan and Yunnan of China.The Effect of Che Sang Zi YePropertyS
NameTian Shui Yi Cao (Herba Gnaphalii Hypoleuci)SourceThe drug is the whole herb of Gnaphalium hypogleucum DC. ex Wight (Family Compositae), growing on grassslopes, in edge of woods, along roadside, in sandy areas, distributed in Henan, Shanxi, Gansu and Eastern China, Middle China, Southern China a
NameTai Bai Ju (Herb of Flaccid Aster)SourcesThe drug is the whole herb or flower of Aster flaccidus Bge. (Family Compositae), growing in mountainous grasslands, in scrubs or on rocky lands, distributed in Northern China and Shanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Sichuan, Yunnan and Tibet of China.The Ef
NameQing Tian Kui (Herba seu Rhizoma Nerviliae Fordii)SourcesThe drug is the dried tuber or whole herb of Nervilia fordii (Hance)Schltr.(family Orchidaceae), mostly growing on lime rock mountain-lands and in woods, distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan of China.The Effect of Qing Tian K
NameShi You Cai (HerbaPilea cavaleriei)SourcesThe drug is the dried or fresh entire herb of Pilea cavaleriei L-évl.(family Urlicaceae), growing in wet sites or on rocks, and distributed in Hubei,Hunan, Guangding, Guangxi and Guizhou of China.The Effect of Shi You CaiActionsIt is used to remove heat,
NameYi Chang Lou Ti Cao (Elatostemae Ichangensic Herba)SourcesThe drug is the dried whole plant of Elatostema ichangense H. Schroter (family Urticaceae ), growing in evergreen broad leaves woods or on rocks, distributed inHubei, Hunan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Guangxi of China.The Effect of Yi Chang Lou Ti