Heat-Clearing and toxicity-Removing Herbs
NameQuan Shen (Rhizoma Bistortae)The Effect of 拳参PropertyBitter, astringent, slightly cold; lung, liver and large intestine meridians entered.ActionsClear heat and relieve convulsion, promote diuresis, resolve swelling and dissipate nodulation.IndicationsScrofula, carbuncle and swelling, tetanus, dy
NameQuan Shen (Rhizoma Bistortae)The Effect of Rhizoma BistortaePropertyBitter, astringent, slightly cold; lung, liver and large intestine meridians entered.ActionsClear heat and relieve convulsion, promote diuresis, resolve swelling and dissipate nodulation.IndicationsScrofula, carbuncle and swelli
NameLou Lu (Radix Rhapontici)The Effect of 漏芦PropertyBitter, cold; stomach meridian entered.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity; cure abscess and dissipate nudulation; unblock meridians and promote lactation; relax tendons and unblock vessels.IndicationsMammary abscess with swelling pain, scrofula
NameLou Lu (Radix Rhapontici)The Effect of Radix RhaponticiPropertyBitter, cold; stomach meridian entered.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity; cure abscess and dissipate nudulation; unblock meridians and promote lactation; relax tendons and unblock vessels.IndicationsMammary abscess with swelling
NameJin Qiao Mai (Wild Buckwheat Rhizome)The Effect of 金荞麦PropertyCool, slightly pungent, astringent; lung meridian entered.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity, activate blood and resolve carbuncle, expel wind and eliminate dampness.IndicationsSnake bites, sore throat, dysentery, traumatic injury,
NameJiang (A thick sauce made from soya beans or flour)The Effect of 酱PropertySalty, sweet, neutral; stomach, spleen and kidney meridians entered.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity.IndicationsSnake, insect and bee bites, scalds and burns, acute eczema, poison of fish, meat and vegetables.Dosage a
NameJiang (A thick sauce made from soya beans or flour)The Effect of A thick sauce made from soya beans or flourPropertySalty, sweet, neutral; stomach, spleen and kidney meridians entered.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity.IndicationsSnake, insect and bee bites, scalds and burns, acute eczema, po
NamingBan Lan Gen (Radix Isatidis)——Xin Xiu Ben Cao (Newly Revised Materia Medica)The Processing of Radix IsatidisOriginThe root of biennial herbaceous plant Isatis indigotica Fort. of family Cruciferae.LocationShaanxi, Hebei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui provinces, etc. of China.HarvestCollected in aut
NameChun (Watershield)The Effect of WatershieldPropertySweet, cold; liver and spleen meridians entered.ActionsInduce diuresis and resolve swelling, clear heat and remove toxicity.IndicationsSores and boils, jaundice and heat dysentery.Dosage and AdministrationsDecoct 15~30 g, or made into soup. Prop
NamingQing Dai (Indigo Naturalis)——Yao Xing Lun (Treatise on Herb Property)The Processing of 青黛OriginA kind of dried powder or clumping processed from the leaf or stem with leaf of Baphicacanthus cusia (Nees) Bremek, Polygonum tinctorium Ait or Isatis indigotica Fort. of family Acanthaceae.LocationF