Heat-Clearing and toxicity-Removing Herbs
NameDi Bai Zhi (Herba Selaginellae Moellendorfii)SourcesThe drug is the dried entire herb of Selaginella moellendorfii Hieron(family Selaginellaceae),growing in woods or along streams, and distributed in the south of Yangtze River valley and Shaanxi, Taiwan of China.The Effect of 地柏枝ActionsIt is use
NameDi Bai Zhi (Herba Selaginellae Moellendorfii)SourcesThe drug is the dried entire herb of Selaginella moellendorfii Hieron(family Selaginellaceae),growing in woods or along streams, and distributed in the south of Yangtze River valley and Shaanxi, Taiwan of China.The Effect of Herba Selaginellae
NameYi Shou Cao (Herba Pterocephali)The Effect of 翼首草PropertyBitter, cold, slightly toxic.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity, dispel wind and eliminate dampness, alleviate pain.IndicationsDiarrhea, exogenous fever, dysphoria with smothery sensation, vessel impediment, urine with blood.Dosage and
NameYi Shou Cao (Herba Pterocephali)The Effect of Herba PterocephaliPropertyBitter, cold, slightly toxic.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity, dispel wind and eliminate dampness, alleviate pain.IndicationsDiarrhea, exogenous fever, dysphoria with smothery sensation, vessel impediment, urine with bl
NameSan Jiao Pao (Balloon vine)The Effect of 三角泡PropertyBitter, pungent, cold.ActionsClear heat and induce diuresis, cool blood and remove toxicity.IndicationsJaundice, eczema, stranguria, snake bites, sores and boils, traumatic injury.Dosage and AdministrationsDecoct 9~15 g, or 30~60 g of the fresh
NameJi Yu Dan (Maesa perlarius)The Effect of 鲫鱼胆PropertyBitter, cold, toxic; lung and liver meridians entered.ActionsClear heat, improve eyesight, kill parasites and astringe wound.IndicationsDiabetes, sores, wet sore.Dosage and AdministrationsIt is taken with other medicine for oral use. Proper dos
NameDan Zhu Ke (Henon bamboo sheath)The Effect of 淡竹壳PropertyBland, sweet, cold.ActionsImprove eyesight, remove nebula.IndicationsNebula.Dosage and AdministrationsStir-bake it into charcoal and then pound into powder. The powder is used for eye drops.
NameDong Gua Ye (Leaf of Chinese Waxgourd)The Effect of 冬瓜叶PropertyBitter, cool; lung and large intestine meridians entered.ActionsClear heat, eliminate dampness and remove toxicity.IndicationsDiabetes, diarrhea caused by summer-heat and dampness, malaria, sores, bee sting.Dosage and Administrations
NameMo Pan Cao (Abutilon indicum)The Effect of 磨盘草PropertySweet, bland, cool; lung and kidney meridians entered.ActionsDispel wind and clear heat, resolve phlegm, relieve cough, resolve swelling and remove toxicity.IndicationsSores and boils, traumatic injury, cold, fever, cough, diarrhea, deafness,
NameHua Tou Cao (Whiteflower violet herb with root)The Effect of 铧头草PropertySlightly bitter, cold; large intestine, liver and heart meridians entered.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity, disperse stasis and resolve swelling.IndicationsJaundice, sores and boils, scabies, stranguria with turbid disc