Heat-Clearing and toxicity-Removing Herbs
NameNiu Jin Guo (Radix Harrisoniae Perforatae)SourcesThe drug is the dried or fresh root or leaf of Harrisonia perforate (Bl.) Merr. (Family Simaroubaceae), growing on mountain slopes, in forests and scrubs on mountainous areas, and distributed in Guang dong and Hainan of China.The Effect of 牛筋果Prop
NameNiu Jin Guo (Radix Harrisoniae Perforatae)SourcesThe drug is the dried or fresh root or leaf of Harrisonia perforate (Bl.) Merr. (Family Simaroubaceae), growing on mountain slopes, in forests and scrubs on mountainous areas, and distributed in Guang dong and Hainan of China.The Effect of Radix H
NameYi Dian Hong (Emilia Herb)The Effect of 一点红PropertyCool, slightly bitter.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity, induce diuresis, dissipate stasis and resolve swelling.IndicationsDysentery, sore throat, dental ulcer, sores and boils, upper respiratory infection, enteritis, urinary tract infection
NameYi Dian Hong (Emilia Herb)The Effect of Herba EmiliaePropertyCool, slightly bitter.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity, induce diuresis, dissipate stasis and resolve swelling.IndicationsDysentery, sore throat, dental ulcer, sores and boils, upper respiratory infection, enteritis, urinary tract
NameMao Dong Qing (Pubescent Holly Root)The Effect of 毛冬青PropertyBitter, astringent, cold; heart and lung meridians entered.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity, activate blood and dredge meridians.IndicationsBurns and scalds, erysipelas, acute tonsillitis, cough and asthma due to lung-heat, cold d
NameBai Yan Teng (Littleleaf Indianmulberry Herb)SourcesThe drug is the dried or fresh root or entire plant of Morinda parvifolia Benth. (family Rubiaceae), growing in hilly scrubs, and distributed in South China, Southeast China.The Effect of Herba Morindae ParvifoliaePropertySweet, cool; lung meri
NameTie Sao Zhou (Cuneate Lespedeza)The Effect of 铁扫帚PropertySweet, slightly bitter, neutral; lung, liver and kidney meridians entered.ActionsPromote digestion, clear heat and promote diuresis, eliminate phlegm and relieve cough.IndicationsInfantile malnutrition, indigestion, diarrhea, edema, aphtha
NameYin Di Jue (Ternate Grape Fern Herb)The Effect of 阴地蕨PropertySlightly bitter, cool; lung and liver meridians entered.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity, dissipate nodulation.IndicationsInfantile convulsions, whooping cough, scrofula, nebula, snake and insect bites, infantile bronchitis, hemop
NameYin Di Jue (Ternate Grape Fern Herb)The Effect of Herba BotrychiiPropertySlightly bitter, cool; lung and liver meridians entered.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity, dissipate nodulation.IndicationsInfantile convulsions, whooping cough, scrofula, nebula, snake and insect bites, infantile bronc
NameJue Chuang (Creeping Rostellularia Herb)The Effect of 爵床PropertySalt, pungent, cold; liver and gallbladder meridians entered.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity, eliminate dampness and disperse stagnation, activate blood and alleviate pain.IndicationsInfantile malnutrition, jaundice, dysentery