Heat-Clearing and toxicity-Removing Herbs
NameShui Bai La (Folium seu cortex Ligustri Quihoui)The Effect of 水白蜡PropertyBitter, cool.SourcesThe drug is the dried bark, dried or fresh leaf of Ligustrum quihoni Carr. (Family Oleaceae), growing in scrubs, on rocks, on sunny roadsides, or cultivated in yards, and distributed in North China, East
NameTian Shui Yi Cao (Herba Gnaphalii Hypoleuci)SourceThe drug is the whole herb of Gnaphalium hypogleucum DC. ex Wight (Family Compositae), growing on grassslopes, in edge of woods, along roadside, in sandy areas, distributed in Henan, Shanxi, Gansu and Eastern China, Middle China, Southern China a
NameTai Bai Ju (Herb of Flaccid Aster)SourcesThe drug is the whole herb or flower of Aster flaccidus Bge. (Family Compositae), growing in mountainous grasslands, in scrubs or on rocky lands, distributed in Northern China and Shanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Sichuan, Yunnan and Tibet of China.The Ef
NameTai Bai Ju (Herb of Flaccid Aster)SourcesThe drug is the whole herb or flower of Aster flaccidus Bge. (Family Compositae), growing in mountainous grasslands, in scrubs or on rocky lands, distributed in Northern China and Shanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Sichuan, Yunnan and Tibet of China.The Ef
NameHui Diao (Small Goosefoot)SourcesThe drug is the dried entire herb of Chenopodium serotinum L. (family Chenopodiaceae), growing in fields, waste lands or roadsides; and distributed in almost all of China.The Effect of 灰藋PropertyBitter, sweet, neutral.ActionsClear heat and eliminate dampness, rel
NameHui Diao (Small Goosefoot)SourcesThe drug is the dried entire herb of Chenopodium serotinum L. (family Chenopodiaceae), growing in fields, waste lands or roadsides; and distributed in almost all of China.The Effect of Herba Chenopodii SerotiniPropertyBitter, sweet, neutral.ActionsClear heat and
NameZhong Hua Ti Gai Jue (Rhizoma Athyrii Sinensis)SourcesThe drug is the dried rhizome or leaf of Athyrium sinense Rupr. (Family Athyriaceae), growing in forests along ravines, in swampy lands near the forests, and distributed in Northeast China, North China, Northwest China and Southwest China.The
NameDi Nie (Twelve stamen Melastoma Herb)SourcesThe drug is the dried root or entire plant of Melastoma dodecandrum Lour. (family Melastomaceae), growing on acidic soils in hillsides, scrubs or on grasslands, and distributed in ZhejiangFujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou of China.The
NameChe Sang Zi Ye (Folium Dodonaeae Viscosae)SourcesThe drug is the leaf of Dodonaea viscose (L.) Jacq. (Family Sapindaceae), growing in arid hillslopes, in scrubs or coasts, distributed in Fujian, Taiwan, Hainan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan and Yunnan of China.The Effect of 车桑子叶PropertySlightly bi
NameTian Shui Yi Cao (Herba Gnaphalii Hypoleuci)SourceThe drug is the whole herb of Gnaphalium hypogleucum DC. ex Wight (Family Compositae), growing on grassslopes, in edge of woods, along roadside, in sandy areas, distributed in Henan, Shanxi, Gansu and Eastern China, Middle China, Southern China a