Heat-Clearing and toxicity-Removing Herbs
NameJin Zhong Hua (Radix seu Folium seu Fructus Forsythiae Viridissimae)SourcesThe drug is the dried ripe fruit of Forsythia viridissima Lindl.(family Oleaceae),growing in grassland on mountain slopes, in scrubs, along streams, cultivated in gardens, and distributed chiefly in Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejia
NameJin Zhong Hua (Radix seu Folium seu Fructus Forsythiae Viridissimae)SourcesThe drug is the dried ripe fruit of Forsythia viridissima Lindl.(family Oleaceae),growing in grassland on mountain slopes, in scrubs, along streams, cultivated in gardens, and distributed chiefly in Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejia
NameQing Tian Kui (Herba seu Rhizoma Nerviliae Fordii)SourcesThe drug is the dried tuber or whole herb of Nervilia fordii (Hance)Schltr.(family Orchidaceae), mostly growing on lime rock mountain-lands and in woods, distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan of China.The Effect of 青天葵ActionsM
NameQing Tian Kui (Herba seu Rhizoma Nerviliae Fordii)SourcesThe drug is the dried tuber or whole herb of Nervilia fordii (Hance)Schltr.(family Orchidaceae), mostly growing on lime rock mountain-lands and in woods, distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan of China.The Effect of Herba seu R
NameShi You Cai (HerbaPilea cavaleriei)SourcesThe drug is the dried or fresh entire herb of Pilea cavaleriei L-évl.(family Urlicaceae), growing in wet sites or on rocks, and distributed in Hubei,Hunan, Guangding, Guangxi and Guizhou of China.The Effect of 石油菜ActionsIt is used to remove heat, nourish
NameYi Chang Lou Ti Cao (Elatostemae Ichangensic Herba)SourcesThe drug is the dried whole plant of Elatostema ichangense H. Schroter (family Urticaceae ), growing in evergreen broad leaves woods or on rocks, distributed inHubei, Hunan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Guangxi of China.The Effect of 宜昌楼梯草ActionsCle
NameJin Yao Jian (Herba SynedreUae nodiflorae)SourcesThe drug is the dried whole herb of Synedrella nodiflora (L.)Gaertn.(family Composilae), growing on wilderness, gully sides or fields, distributed in Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi,Yunnan of China.The Effect of 金腰箭ActionsClear heat, promote eruption ,
NameXia Ma (Paddy Frog)The Effect of Paddy FrogPropertySweet, cold; spleen meridian entered.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity, strengthen the spleen and eliminate accumulation.IndicationsSores and boils, diarrhea, scrofula, aphtha, malnutrition, furuncle.Dosage and AdministrationsIt is made into
NameSang Ye Zhi (Mulberry Leaf Juice)The Effect of 桑叶汁PropertyBitter, slightly cold, liver meridian entered.ActionsClear liver and improve eyesight, resolve swelling and remove toxicity.IndicationsTraumatic bleeding, sores and boils, goiter and tumor, centipede bite.Dosage and AdministrationsProper
NameZhong Hua Ti Gai Jue (Rhizoma Athyrii Sinensis)SourcesThe drug is the dried rhizome or leaf of Athyrium sinense Rupr. (Family Athyriaceae), growing in forests along ravines, in swampy lands near the forests, and distributed in Northeast China, North China, Northwest China and Southwest China.The