Heat-Clearing and toxicity-Removing Herbs
NameNiu Nai Zi (Autumn elaeagnus root leaf and fruit)SourcesThe drug is the dried root, dried of fresh leaf or fruit of Elaeagrus umbellata Thunb. (Fatally Elaeagnaceae), growing on the edge of forests, in scrubs, on waste hillsides or along creeks, and distributed in North China, East China, Southw
NameBian Yuan Lin Gai Jue (Microlepia marginata)SourcesThe drug is the dried or fresh entise herb of Polygonum caespitosum BL. (family Polygonaceae), growing in woods, roadsides or along creek, and distributed chiefly in Middle southern China, East China and Shanxi, Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou.T
NameBian Yuan Lin Gai Jue (Microlepia marginata)SourcesThe drug is the dried or fresh entise herb of Polygonum caespitosum BL. (family Polygonaceae), growing in woods, roadsides or along creek, and distributed chiefly in Middle southern China, East China and Shanxi, Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou.T
NameNiu She Cao (Folium Rumicis Dentati)SourcesThe drug is the dried leaf of Rumex dentatus L (Family Polygonaceae), growing in moist or swampy lands, and dislributed in Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei, Guizhou, Sichuan and Yunnan of China.The Effect of
NameHai Mu (Tripair-leaved heynea root)The Effect of 海木PropertyBitter, cool, slightly toxic.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity, relieve sore throat, dispel wind-damp.IndicationsStomachache, rheumatic arthritis, amygdalitis, sphagitis.Dosage and AdministrationsDecoct 9~15 g, or soaked in wine.
NameFang Jie Shi (Calcite)The Effect of 方解石PropertyBitter, pungent, extremely cold; lung and stomach meridians entered.ActionsClear heat, eliminate dampness, dredge meridians and remove toxicity.IndicationsJaundice, heat accumulation in chest.Dosage and AdministrationsDecoct 9~15 g, or made into pow
NameFang Jie Shi (Calcite)The Effect of CalcitumPropertyBitter, pungent, extremely cold; lung and stomach meridians entered.ActionsClear heat, eliminate dampness, dredge meridians and remove toxicity.IndicationsJaundice, heat accumulation in chest.Dosage and AdministrationsDecoct 9~15 g, or made int
NameQing Ma (Piemarker Herb)The Effect of 苘麻 PropertyBitter, neutral; spleen and stomach meridians entered.ActionsClear heat and promote diuresis, remove toxicity and induce resuscitation.IndicationsSores and boils, dysentery, deafness, tympanitis, tinnitus, orchitis, suppurative tonsillitis.Dosage
NameCao Shi Can (Chinese artichoke)The Effect of 草石蚕 PropertySweet, bland, cool; liver and spleen meridians entered.ActionsDispel wind and eliminate dampness, clear heat and remove toxicity.IndicationsRheumatic arthritis, asthma, cough, jaundice due to damp-heat, stranguria, snake bites, morbid leuc
NameBa Jiao Lian (Sixangular Dysosma Rhizome)The Effect of 八角莲PropertyBitter, pungent, cool, toxic; liver and lung meridians entered.ActionsResolve phlegm and dissipate nodulation, expel stasis and alleviate pain, clear heat and remove toxicity.IndicationsCough, sore throat, scrofula, snake bites, t