Heat-Clearing and toxicity-Removing Herbs
NameDong Feng Cai (Rhizoma et Radix Doellingeriae)The Effect of Dong Feng CaiPropertySweet, cold.SourcesThe drug is the aerial part or root of Doellingeria, scaber (Thunb.) Ness (family Compositae), growing in hillsides, grasslands, scrubs, and distributed in most areas of China.ActionsThe aerial pa
NameHai Yu (Common Alocasia Rhizome)The Effect of Hai YuPropertyPungent, cold, toxic; heart, liver, gallbladder and large intestine meridians entered.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity, resolve swelling and dissipate nodulation.IndicationsTyphoid fever of intestine, high fever; sores and boils fo
NameMa Lin Zi (Semen Irisis)The Effect of Ma Lin ZiPropertySweet, neutral; spleen and lung meridians entered.ActionsClear damp-heat, stop bleeding and remove toxicity.IndicationsJaundice, nose bleeding, hematemesis, sores and boils, diarrhea, leucorrhea, pharyngitis, metrorrhagia.Dosage and Administ
NameLi Zhi Cao (Herba Salviae Plebeiae)The Effect of Li Zhi Cao PropertySweet, pungent, cool; lung and stomach meridians entered.ActionsCool blood and promote diuresis, remove toxicity and kill parasites.IndicationsHematuria, metrorrhagia and metrostaxis, gonorrhea, sore throat, ascites, carbuncle a
NameChong Lou (Rhizoma Paridis)The Effect of Chong LouPropertyBitter, slightly cold; slightly toxic; liver meridian entered.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity; relieve swelling and pain; cool liver and stop convulsions.IndicationsAbscess, deep-rooted boils and sores; venomous snake bite; throat o
NameQuan Shen (Rhizoma Bistortae)The Effect of Quan ShenPropertyBitter, astringent, slightly cold; lung, liver and large intestine meridians entered.ActionsClear heat and relieve convulsion, promote diuresis, resolve swelling and dissipate nodulation.IndicationsScrofula, carbuncle and swelling, teta
NameLou Lu (Radix Rhapontici)The Effect of Lou LuPropertyBitter, cold; stomach meridian entered.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity; cure abscess and dissipate nudulation; unblock meridians and promote lactation; relax tendons and unblock vessels.IndicationsMammary abscess with swelling pain, scro
NameJin Lian Hua (Trollflower)The Effect of Jin Lian HuaPropertyBitter, slightly cold; lung and stomach meridians entered.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity.IndicationsSore throat, scrofula, aphtha, swelling and pain of eye.Dosage and AdministrationsDecoct 3~6 g, or made tea. Proper dosage is for
NameSi Ye Cao (Four-leaf clover)The Effect of Si Ye CaoPropertySweet, bitter, neutral; liver and spleen meridians entered.ActionsClear heat and promote diuresis, remove toxicity and resolve swelling.IndicationsSores and boils, snake bites, infantile malnutrition, carcinoma, dysentery, traumatic inju
NameFu Rong Ye (Cottonrose Hibiscus Leaf)The Effect of Fu Rong YePropertySlightly pungent, cool; lung and liver meridians entered.ActionsClear lung heat and cool blood, dissipate heat and remove toxicity, resolve swelling and expel pus.IndicationsCough due to lung heat, acute appendicitis, scrofula