Heat-Clearing and toxicity-Removing Herbs
NameLao Wo Sheng (Black medic herb)The Effect of Lao Wo ShengPropertySweet, astringent, neutral; liver, lung, gallbladder and kidney meridians entered.ActionsClear heat and induce diuresis, relieve cough, relax the tendons and bones, dredge meridians.IndicationsAsthma with cough, rheumatic arthritis
NameZhu Sha Lian (Kaempfer Dutchmanspipe Root)The Effect of Zhu Sha LianPropertyBitter, pungent, cold; heart, lung and liver meridians entered.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity, regulate qi and alleviate pain.IndicationsSores and boils, diarrhea, snake bites, toothache, chest pain, laryngalgia,
NameYi Duo Yun Ye (Glabrousleaf Pittosporum Leaf)The Effect of Yi Duo Yun YePropertySweet, bitter, pungent, slightly warm.ActionsResolve swelling and remove toxicity, stop bleeding.IndicationsSnake bites, traumatic bleeding, sores and boils, scalds and burns.Dosage and AdministrationsProper dosage i
NameGai Lan (Cabbage mustard)The Effect of Gai LanPropertySweet, pungent, cool; lung meridian entered.ActionsRemove toxicity, relieve sore throat, resolve phlegm, guide qi downward and relieve asthma.IndicationsSore throat, asthma, cough caused by wind-heat, prevention of diphtheria.Dosage and Admin
NameLv Dou Ye (Mung Bean leaf)The Effect of Lv Dou YePropertyBitter, cold; liver and large intestine meridians entered.ActionsHarmonize the stomach, remove toxicity.IndicationsSores and boils, scabies, macula, cholera, toxicity of drugs and fire.Dosage and Administrations15~30 g is pounded into juic
NameYang Tao (Fruit of Carambola)The Effect of Yang TaoPropertySour, sweet, cold; lung and stomach meridians entered.ActionsClear heat, promote the secretion of saliva, induce diuresis and remove toxicity.IndicationsToothache, sore throat, polydipsia, cough due to wind-heat, urolithiasis, oral ulcer
NameMao Sun (Mose Bamboo shoot)The Effect of Mao SunPropertySweet, cold.ActionsResolve phlegm, remove food retention, promote eruption.IndicationsAbdominal distension caused by food retention, inadequate eruption of small pox.Dosage and AdministrationsDecoct 30~60 g, or cook it for eating.CautionsIt
NameChong Dou (Pubescent atylosia herb)The Effect of Chong DouPropertyBitter, sweet, cold; lung meridian entered.ActionsRemove toxicity.IndicationsSores and boils, scabies.Dosage and AdministrationsProper dosage is for external application, decocted for washing.
NameSi Gua Hua (Flower of Luffa)The Effect of Si Gua HuaPropertySweet, slightly bitter, cold.ActionsClear heat and remove toxicity, resolve phlegm and relieve cough.IndicationsCough caused by lung-heat, sore throat, sores and boils, haemorrhoids, nasosinusitis.Dosage and AdministrationsDecoct 6~9 g.
NameHuang Gua Ye (Cucumber leaf)The Effect of Huang Gua YePropertyBitter, neutral.ActionsClear damp-heat, resolve swelling.IndicationsDiarrhea due to damp-heat, fungus infection of foot, innominate sores.Dosage and AdministrationsDecoct 10~15 g, or pounded into juice for drinking. Proper dosage is f