Heat-Clearing and Fire-Purging Herbs
NameHan Shui Shi (Gypsum Rubrum)The Effect of 寒水石PropertyPungent, salty, cold; heart, stomach and kidney meridians entered.ActionsClear heat and reduce pathogenic fire, resolve swelling.IndicationsEdema, diarrhea, vomiting, erysipelas, scald, gingival hemorrhage, urodialysis, polydipsia, pyreticosis
NameYa Zhi Cao (Common Dayflower Herb)The Effect of Ya Zhi CaoPropertySweet, cold, bland; lung, stomach and bladder meridians entered.ActionsClear heat and promote diuresis, cool blood and remove toxicity.IndicationsEdema, difficult urination, cold, sore throat, leucorrhea, sores and boils, hematuri
NameYa Zhi Cao (Common Dayflower Herb)The Effect of 鸭跖草PropertySweet, cold, bland; lung, stomach and bladder meridians entered.ActionsClear heat and promote diuresis, cool blood and remove toxicity.IndicationsEdema, difficult urination, cold, sore throat, leucorrhea, sores and boils, hematuria, metr
NameMi Meng Hua (Flos Buddlejae)The Effect of Mi Meng HuaPropertyBitter, sweet, slightly cold, liver meridian entered.ActionsClear heat and nourish liver, improve vision and remove nebula.IndicationsEye diseases due to liver heat; blurred vision due to liver deficiency or liver deficiency with liver
NameMi Meng Hua (Flos Buddlejae)The Effect of 密蒙花PropertyBitter, sweet, slightly cold, liver meridian entered.ActionsClear heat and nourish liver, improve vision and remove nebula.IndicationsEye diseases due to liver heat; blurred vision due to liver deficiency or liver deficiency with liver heat.Do
NameQing Xiang Zi (Semen Celosiae)The Effect of Qing Xiang ZiPropertyBitter, slightly cold, liver meridian entered.ActionsClear heat and improve vision.IndicationsBlood-shot and pain of eyes due to excess liver heat; blood-shot and pain of eyes, dryness and dim vision due to liver deficiency.Dosage
NameLu Zhu Sun (Giantreed shoot)The Effect of Lu Zhu SunPropertyBitter, cold.ActionsClear heat and purge fire.IndicationsHematemesis caused by lung-heat, dizziness, toothache, heat stranguria, otopyorrhea, hectic fever due to yin-deficiency.Dosage and AdministrationsDecoct 15~60 g, or pounded into j
NameGong Lao Mu (Leatherleaf Mahonia Stem)The Effect of Caulis MahoniaePropertyBitter, cold; liver, stomach and large intestine meridians entered.ActionsClear heat and eliminate dampness, purge fire and remove toxicity.IndicationsJaundice, sores and boils, dysentery, icteric hepatitis, toothache due
NameHan Shui Shi (Gypsum Rubrum)The Effect of Gypsum RubrumPropertyPungent, salty, cold; heart, stomach and kidney meridians entered.ActionsClear heat and reduce pathogenic fire, resolve swelling.IndicationsEdema, diarrhea, vomiting, erysipelas, scald, gingival hemorrhage, urodialysis, polydipsia, p
NameQiu Shi (Prepared Salt)The Effect of Prepared SaltPropertySalty, cold; lung and kidney meridians entered.ActionsNourish yin and reduce pathogenic fire.IndicationsCough, gonorrhea, spermatorrhea, leukorrhea with reddish discharge, hemoptysis, sore throat, stranguria due to chyluria, choke by food